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Artist rendering of the new and improved amphitheater in Goudy Park by Hennessey Engineers.
Plans for new amphitheater at Goudy Park
By Sarah Shurge map for greater improvements be- being in the parking lot behind the however, they will still be native
Big changes are coming to Goudy yond the project we have in front of pavilion looking through there. plants that fit the bioswales require-
Park! us today and allow us to really pur- “We’re kind of taking that away ments of the Storm Water Manage-
The amphitheater at Goudy Park sue grant money because now we from them, and really focusing more ment Ordinance, which is also
was built in the 1990s and unfortu- have a plan,” said Hennessey during on the festival area,” said Hennessey. approved by EGLE.
nately, it had begun to fall apart. the presentation. Some of the council members “We’ve done a tremendous
Over time, the structure had worn The pavilion is currently located were concerned about skateboarders amount of work in a very short time,”
because of age, the seating, the reten- in the center of the reservoir. The using the ramps, however, Hen- said Hennessey. “We represent 26
tion wall, and the stage; as well as plan is to remove the seating area nessey and his team already thought communities, and this community
concrete that had a reaction that and move the pavilion back to have of precautions for that - the fence has really been well vested in this
broke the concrete down prema- a projection towards the river. and washed aggregate concrete will project and it’s been great to see.
turely. There will be a flower pattern make it uncomfortable for skate- In case you were wondering, the
The city of Wayne received two that matches the existing circle in boarders to be there. picnic tables are being retained and
generous grants to fund the removal that area of Goudy Park. The flower There will be a storage area there will be no change to current
and replacement of the city’s 33-year- pattern will be of washed aggregate which will provide storage for the De- bathrooms.
old amphitheater. concrete and white concrete will rib- partment of Public Works (DPW), the Hennessey explained the second
Thanks to the efforts of Senator bon it with slight-gray textured con- bands, and such. phase of the plan is made to comple-
Dayna Polehanki and United States crete outside of that. Other plans include changing the ment the first phase. The future proj-
Representative Rashida Tlaib in the There will be planter boxes all the parking lot, creating walkways, in- ect is looking at creating potentially
amount of $1,050,000 and an addi- way around the circle. Hennessey corporating 2nd St, and putting in a a splash pad for the public, plus re-
tional $250,000 from Wayne County and his team will come in the spring new retaining wall. locating and updating the playscape
through their designated American with a detailed planting list for the “Repurposing this area to provide area.
Rescue Plan Act, groundbreaking for council to look at prior to awarding not only enhancements for the pavil- During the presentation, the time-
the amphitheater is finally happen- the project. ion area and parking area, but actu- line for the project was set as: put
ing. The new pavilion is 40x30. On ally increase access to 2nd St too,” the project out in about two to two
During the city council meeting each side of the stage is a 8-foot wide said Hennessey. “So this all becomes and a half weeks, get bids in Septem-
on Tuesday, August 20th, John Hen- ramp for bands to be able to bring kind of a cohesive enjoyment area ber, and try to do flat work this year.
nessey, Hennessey Engineers vice their equipment up. There will be a for the community.” “Because we’re doing concrete
president, gave a presentation about fence system and locked gates to iso- Hennessey mentioned another work, we’re able to go much deeper
Goudy Park. This presentation dis- late the band. thing being incorporated into the into the season,” said Hennessey.
cussed the overall plan for the pavil- Hennessey explained to the coun- project at no additional cost, is a re- City Manager Diane Webb took a
ion area and changes throughout the cil members how there will be a sub- vamp of the bioswales in the parking few minutes to explain the cost of
rest of the park. stantial amount of landscaping that lot. this project to the council members
“Our goal in developing this con- will direct people to be in front of the The new plantings will be more
cept plan was really to create a road pavilion and eliminate people from harmonious to plantings in the park, See Goudy, page 10
The Wayne Dispatch · October 2024 · 5