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Halloween, Continued from page 3                                      said Wolak.                       ages. Join us as we celebrate the sea-
                                                                                  On  Thursday,  October  31st    son of thrills and chills,” said Wolak.
          and water.                                                            from 6:30 - 8 p.m., Hill Crest Bible
                                                                                Church will host Trunk or Treat.     The Wayne Downtown Develop-
             Classics  and  Beyond  Auto                                          The event will have candy being  ment  Authority  (DDA)  partnered
          Gallery is located at 35815 Clinton                                   passed out inside the church.     with Flowers in the Mitten for the
          St.  For  more  information,  call                                                                      second  Annual  Scarecrow  Fest,
          (248)721-4343.                                                          Hill  Crest  Bible  Church  is  lo-  which happened on Saturday, Sep-
             “It will be a great family event that                              cated at 3 Towne Square St. The   tember 21st.
          kids can enjoy,” said Vince Salinitro,                                entrance at the West side will be    “It was a beautiful day in Goudy
          Classics  and  Beyond  Auto  Gallery                                  open.                             Park, and we are incredibly grateful
          Sales Manager.                                                          “It's a safe place to come, and it's  to Rachel and Paul Botu of Flowers
                                                                                indoors so weather doesn't matter,”  in the Mitten for their hard work in
             On  Monday,  October  28th,                                        said Seth McDonald, lead pastor at  making  this  event  a  success  and
          HYPE Athletics will host HYPE-Up                                      Hill Crest Bible Church.          bringing  the  scarecrows  back  to
          for  Halloween  Trunk  or  Treat.                                                                       Michigan Avenue,” said Lisa Kubany,
          Those with disabilities can attend                     Halloween fun.   The  Wayne  Public  Library  is  DDA Director of Events and Market-
          from 6 - 6:30 p.m., general public  Halloween walk,” said Rabih Darwe-  also hosting several other spooky  ing.  The scarecrows will remain dis-
          from 6:30 - 8 p.m.                 ich, HYPE General Manager.         events this month, such as: Gilded  played on Michigan Avenue during
             The event will have costumes and   On  Wednesday,  October  30th   Insects (adult program) on Thurs-  the entire month of October for the
          candy.  Cider  and  donuts  will  be  from 6:30 - 7:15 p.m., the Wayne  day, October 10th, Owl Pellet Dis-  public to enjoy.
          served (first come first serve, while  Public  Library  is  hosting  Hal-  section  (teen  program  -  grades  “Be sure to take a stroll down WB
          supplies last)                     loween Storytime.                  6-12)  on  Monday,  October  21st,  Michigan  Avenue,  from  Second  St.
             HYPE is still trying to finalize de-  Children ages 3-5 (with their care-  and  Michigan’s  Most  Dangerous  just past Wayne Rd, to enjoy the cre-
          tails about a haunted house. If you’re  givers) can come to story time in cos-  Women (adult program) on Thurs-  ativity of the scarecrows lining the
          interested in passing out candy or  tume  and  they  will  trick-or-treat  day, October 24th.           street," said Kubany.
          want to show off your spooky trunk,  around the library.                For more information regarding     This is just a sampling of all the
          call (734)721-7400.                   The Wayne Public Library is lo-  these   events,   you   can   visit  events  happening  in  town.  So
             HYPE Athletics is located at 4635  cated at 3737 S Wayne Rd.           whether you want to see some scare-
          Howe Rd.                             “Kids are encouraged to come in    “As we gear up for Halloween, the  crows,  take  some  photos,  get  cre-
             “We’re looking forward to seeing  costume. We’ll listen to some spooky  library is brewing up some spooktac-  ative   with   crafts,   or   go
          the community come out and for all  - but not too scary - stories and then  ular programs that are sure to en-  trunk-or-treating, the city of Wayne
          the trick-or-treaters to enjoy our safe  trick-or-treat  around  the  library,”  chant  and  entertain  visitors  of  all  has an event for everyone to enjoy!

          6 · October 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch
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