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Wayne’s annual Holiday Night at the Museum
Welcome back to another Spot-
light Series with Sarah!
The series where the writer gets
to know the city more personally,
while the readers get to know the
writer better in the process.
It’s funny how taking a certain
class or playing a certain instrument
can lead you to meeting your best
friend. Sometimes it can happen be- were determined to make our friend-
cause you decide to work at a certain ship work. So with a few uncomfort-
place. able conversations, we figured it out.
In 2016, I started working at a Then in December 2022, Emmah
restaurant in Plymouth, which is had her daughter, Morgan.
where I met one of my best friends, I’m proud to say that I have been
Emmah. present for Emmah’s kids as much
I started off as a hostess. Emmah as I possibly can, between: movie
was a server and had been working nights, birthday parties, babysitting,
there long before I was hired. and school activities, to swimming,
During my college semesters, I random trips to Target, or the
was working Friday mornings with Hands-On Museum.
Emmah’s older brother (who also I teared up the first time Theo
worked there as a server). Eventually and Morgan called me “Aunt Sarah.”
I switched to serving as well and At some point, Emmah’s children
slowly started getting to know are going to realize I’m not actually
Emmah better. their aunt by blood — I’m just their
We were work-friends but in May mom’s best friend that became fam-
2018, we hung out outside of work ily, but I’ll always be Aunt Sarah.
for the first time and went to the As part of my auntie duties, I al-
movies with another coworker. Then ways try to mention family-friendly
in July 2018, we randomly decided events to Emmah that she might Santa and Ms. Claus arrive at Holiday Night at the Museum. Photo by Craig Hebert
to take a trip to Cedar Point together. want to bring the kids to.
There’s something about long car Last month, I mentioned Wayne’s
rides, waiting in lines for hours, and annual Holiday Night at the Museum
riding roller coasters together that to Emmah, and she thought her kids
truly bonds you to a person. would love it. The day before the
After that, Emmah and I hung out event, she started feeling under the
on the regular: getting tattoos, din- weather, so her mom (Theo and Mor-
ner at Buffalo Wild Wings, movie gan’s grandma), Patti, offered to
nights, and birthday parties for each come with me and the kids instead.
other. So on Friday, December 6th, we
In July 2020, when I wanted to took the kids to Holiday Night at the
work on socializing my dog, Ezekiel Museum.
(Zeke), with other dogs, Emmah Since I’ve been writing for The
began regularly walking her two Wayne Dispatch for over three years
dogs, Bear and Lola, with my dog. now, I’ve written about this event be- New toys were provided to all the children who visited Santa by Hill Crest Bible
Once Zeke became comfortable with fore, but never attended it personally.
them, I would frequently bring him So I was excited to finally experience Church. Photo by Craig Hebert
over to her house so our dogs could it for myself. Crest Bible Church to get warm. self that I wore to match.
have playdates together in the back- We arrived in time to see the end- Inside Hill Crest, free cookies and While Theo and Morgan were
yard. ing of the parade that kicked off the hot chocolate were waiting for every- working on their crafts, the Grinch
In March 2021, Emmah had her event. There was a firetruck, and one to enjoy. I must add that the walked into Hill Crest and was tak-
son, Theodore (Theo). Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus made cookies were so warm and soft that ing photos with the event attendees.
I don’t have any children (only their grand entrance. the kids’ faces were covered in Of course, Theo, Morgan, and I had
pets), Emmah is the first of my The Mayor introduced Santa, and melted chocolate afterwards. to snap a picture with the Grinch,
friends to have children, and as a said a few words before the tree light- There also was a craft area inside and then we all bundled up to head
first-time parent herself, there was a ing ceremony outside the museum. for the kids, which Theo and Morgan back out into the cold.
learning curve on how our friend- Immediately following that was a fire- participated in. We decided to get in line for the
ship needed to adjust once kids works display. Holiday Night had an ugly kids to meet Santa inside the mu-
came into the picture. After the fireworks, Patti, the sweater theme this year, so Emmah seum. While we waited, we got to
People say you find out who your kids, and I made our way over to the bought Theo and Morgan some watch live ice carving happening
true friends are when you have a DJ booth to grab gift bags for the Grinch sweaters, while I happened
wedding or have children, and we kids and then headed inside Hill to already have a Grinch sweater my- See Spotlight, page 17
The Wayne Dispatch · December 2024 · 11