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Spotlight, Continued from page 12 8 a.m. Overnight supervision is cru-
cial in ensuring a safe and secure en-
warming center, I can understand. vironment for the clients while they
I’ve been there, done that. I know the sleep.
mental aspect of being without, feel- LHM also does a yard sale twice
ing worthless, abandoned, all of a year (in April and September).
those things. I can identify with it,” They are in need of items to be do-
said Rev. Cokely. nated, volunteers for donation pick-
LHM offers assistance for mental ups, and volunteers during the yard
illness, recovery programs, domestic sale.
violence, obtaining IDs and birth cer- “There are so many different min-
tificates, employment opportunities, istries, we need all hands-on deck,”
and more. said Rev. Cokely. “If you're willing to
LHM also does referrals. This is help, we’ll gladly put you to use. If
an option for those that need assis- you need help, we’re willing to meet
tance with something like: finding a you where you are.”
clinic, emergency foods, utilities, gas If you’re interested in volunteer-
cards, rent that is short during win- ing for the warming shelter, call Rev.
ter months, etc. Tim Cokely at (734)772-2230. If
“Anybody could be one paycheck you’re interested in any of the other
away from being homeless,” said Rev. volunteer opportunities with LHM,
Cokely. call (734)326-3885.
Appointments for food and cloth- Lighthouse Home Mission and
ing are required by phone only, Full Gospel Temple Church is lo-
Wednesday and Fridays 10 a.m. - 3 cated at 34033 Palmer Rd, Westland.
p.m. Soup kitchen is open Monday - Lighthouse home mission volunteer organizing the clothing pantry. For more information about Full
Friday 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Referrals are the following items: winter apparel the soup kitchen, clothing pantry, Gospel Temple Church, visit fgton-
Tuesday and Thursday 11 a.m. - 3 (coats, boots, socks), men’s under- food pantry, and warming center.
p.m. Warming center is open Janu- wear, hygienic items, cleaning sup- The warming center needs volun- Be sure to volunteer and support
ary 1st - March 31st, 7 p.m. - 8 a.m. plies, coffee, canned goods, paper teers for intake and food service Lighthouse Home Mission and be on
If you’d like to help LHM remain plates, and plastic utensils. from 7 p.m. - 11 p.m., as well as the lookout for the next Spotlight Se-
functional, the warming center needs LHM is in need of volunteers for overnight supervision from 11 p.m. - ries with Sarah!
The Wayne Dispatch · February 2025 · 13