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Volunteers needed for overnight warming center

             Welcome  back  to  another  Spot-                                  night. That night, Tina was doing in-  Civitan Club volunteers every Friday
          light Series with Sarah!                                              take, Marje was serving food, Jessica  night  in  the  warming  center,  so
             The series where the writer gets                                   was working drinks, and Rich was  Solomon and I headed into the food
          to  know  the  city  more  personally,                                on door duty.  Solomon worked the  pantry  area  to  help  sort  food  that
          while  the  readers  get  to  know  the                               door with Rich, while I sat down at  had just been delivered that day.
          writer better in the process.                                         the intake desk with Tina. I learned  LHM  received  food  deliveries
             I’ve been writing for The Wayne                                    that Tina has been volunteering here  twice a week (Monday and Friday)
          Dispatch for almost four years now,                                   since 2016.                       from  Gleaners  Community  Food
          but I was featured in The Wayne Dis-                                    Clients  (both  new  or  returning)  Bank and Forgotten Harvest.
          patch before I ever even wrote for it.  for the homeless during the winter  sign-in for the night and are able to  You might think that sounds like
             If you’ve been a Wayne Dispatch  months, I jumped at the chance, as  get out of the cold, have access to hot  a  lot  of  food,  and  you’d  be  right.
          reader for some time now, then you  this was close to my heart.       food, drinks, clothes, hygienic items,  Aside from a grocery store, I don’t
          might  remember  the  cover  story    On  Thursday,  January  23rd,   and  can  sign-up  for  a  shower.  For  think I’ve ever seen so much food in
          from  2013  about  a  WMHS  senior  Solomon and I headed to Lighthouse  lights out, men sleep in the chapel  a singular location and there were
          overcoming  obstacles  after  early  Home Mission (LHM) to volunteer at  and  women  sleep  in  the  warming  around 14 freezers, including a walk-
          years  without  home.  That  high  the warming center.                center area. They are taken outside  in  freezer,  throughout  the  entire
          school senior was me.                 We knocked on the locked door   for two smoke breaks before lights-  building that were completely filled.
             When  I  was  young,  my  parents
          got  divorced.  My  father  refused  to
          sign  the  quit  claim  deed  to  our
          house.  Since  the  house  was  not
          under my mom’s name, she legally
          couldn’t pay the bills, and we ended
          up getting evicted.
             We stayed in a hotel, we slept in
          our car, and then we lived in a home-
          less shelter.
             I was in the third grade when all
          of this happened, but I remembered
          enough of it that I was able to share
          my experience my senior year of high
             During my senior year at Wayne
          Memorial High School, I wrote for
          the school newspaper. Without know-
          ing about my past, Mrs. Koch, the
          newspaper teacher, suggested we do
          a ‘No Home for the Holiday’ theme
          for our December issue. I offered to
          write a personal narrative about my
          experience living in a homeless shel-
             My personal narrative was pub-
          lished  in  the  WMHS’s  December                                               Sarah with volunteers in the Lighthouse home mission warming center.
          2012 issue and then The Wayne Dis-  and had no idea what to expect. A  out.                                Due to the need within the com-
          patch  published  it  in  its  February  man opened the door and greeted us.  New clients have to fill out a ques-  munity, within the next few days, all
          2013 issue as well.                We informed him that we were here  tionnaire that allows the center/vol-  the food that I was looking at would
             I submitted my piece to the MIPA  to volunteer and then were pointed  unteers to understand every clients’  be  gone,  and  then  a  new  delivery
          Spring Conference at Michigan State  to the intake desk to the left of the  reason for needing shelter and their  would come in. So our job for the
          University  in  April  2013  and  won  door.                          individual  needs  moving  forward.  night  was  to  get  everything  sorted
          first place for Personal Narrative and  Tina was the volunteer at the in-  Clients can stay up to 30 days, which  and  organized  for  the  upcoming
          second  place  for  Professional  Pub-  take desk, and she began to explain  allows them time to get back on their  week.
          lished Page.                       the different roles within the warning  feet.                           On  Wednesday  and  Friday,
             As you might recall from a previ-  center.                           I was able to watch Tina check-in  Paola’s the one you report to. She’s
          ous  Spotlight  Series  with  Sarah,  I  There was a volunteer needed at  two new clients that night. 18 clients  been  volunteering  with  the  food
          went on to receive my journalism de-  the intake desk that would check-in  signed in total.             pantry for 20 years and she knows
          gree from the University of Michigan-  the  clients  (people  in  need  of  the  Solomon and I decided we would  how  things  should  look,  where
          Dearborn  in  April  2017.  I  grew  to  warming center), a volunteer serving  come  back  the  next  night  and  see  things should go, and how to get the
          have a passion for helping the less  the  food,  a  volunteer  serving  the  what else we could do to help. So on  job done.
          fortunate through missions and vol-  drinks, and a volunteer standing by  Friday, January 24th, we returned to  Solomon  was  working  with  an-
          unteer work.                       the door for security purposes (typi-  LHM to volunteer again.       other volunteer, Andre, using the pal-
             So when I heard about a volun-  cally a man) that would check bags   We  knocked  and  the  door  was
          teer opportunity at a warming center  as clients entered the center for the  opened. I learned that the Westland  See Spotlight, page 12
                                                                                                               The Wayne Dispatch · February 2025 · 11
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