Page 14 - Wayne Dispatch Pages
P. 14
Coach Brooks with the Wayne Memorial Varsity Basketball team at the First Con-
gregational Church of Wayne.
COACH, Continued from page 3 And of course, Brooks thanked
his wife of 20 years, Valencia Brooks,
Williams and Cortney Smith. who has allowed him to be shared by
He also wanted to give a shout many people.
out to Bill Gray and Michael Bates of “A true coach's wife,” said Brooks.
Michael Bates Chevrolet for their un- We wish the Wayne Memorial
yielding support for the program. boys varsity basketball team well as
Gray has been involved with the dis- they near the end of their season and
trict for over 50 years and Bates is a we thank coach Brooks for all he has
Wayne Memorial graduate. done for his student athletes!
14 · February 2025 · The Wayne Dispatch