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Helium Studio closing

          brick-and-mortar store

          By Sarah Shurge
             After  over  nine  years  in  Wayne,
          Helium Studio is making a pivot.
             Dave and Kim Jenkins, Helium
          Studio owners, are planning for re-
          tirement  within  the  next  few  years
          and in turn, plan to close the down-
          town  brick-and-mortar  store  –  He-
          lium Studio, on Sunday, March 9th.
             Eventually they will be selling the
          building, however, this isn’t the end
          of Helium Studio.                  Helium Studio owners plan to close the
             Helium Studio will continue to be
          Dave and Kim’s passion project as it  downtown brick-and-mortar store next
          switches to online/vintage booth/pop-  month.
          ups.                               40% off, and rest of shop: 15% off.
             Helium  Studio  features  40+      Check Helium Studio’s Facebook
          artists and makers' local, indie and  page  at
          handmade goods, such as: jewelry,  dioandpost for the latest information
          wearables, home decor, accessories  on sales and updates.
          and more, including a vintage collec-  Helium Studio is located at 3127
          tion in store and on eBay.         S Wayne Rd, and is open 12 - 5 p.m.
             From  now  until  March  9th,  He-  Wednesday - Saturday.
          lium  Studio  will  be  offering  dis-  For more information about He-
          counts  and  have  a  menu  for  the  lium  Studio,  call  (734)725-3811,
          public. Some sales include: most vin-  visit  or
          tage: 10% off, some clear glass; up to  email

          6 · February 2025 · The Wayne Dispatch
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