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The City of Wayne is partnering with the Detroit Institute of Arts to create a public
                                                                                mural on the sign shop in Goudy Park.
                                                                                City of Wayne public

                                                                                art mural survey

                                                                                By Sarah Shurge
                                                                                  Goudy Park has been undergoing
                                                                                many changes recently and the City
                                                                                of  Wayne  Downtown  Development
                                                                                Authority (DDA) wants your opinion
                                                                                for one of the next decisions.
                                                                                  The City of Wayne is partnering
                                                                                with the Detroit Institute of Arts to  survey will be going live on February
                                                                                create  a  public  mural  in  the  park  15th and close on February 28th.
                                                                                that will reflect our community.     The survey includes three ques-
                                                                                  “The DDA is thrilled to have been  tions:
                                                                                chosen for this project. It is in line  1) What themes or ideas should
                                                                                with  our  DDA  Plan  to  incorporate  be  incorporated  into  the  artwork
                                                                                public art into the Downtown,” said  that  best  represents  the  City  of
                                                                                Lori Gouin, DDA Director.         Wayne?
                                                                                  The artwork will be painted dur-   2)  Please  share  any  additional
                                                                                ing the 2025 calendar year on the ex-  thoughts or comments regarding the
                                                                                terior north/east facing walls of the  theme for this project.
                                                                                city  building  located  in  the  lower  3) Are you a resident of the City
                                                                                court parking lot. This location will  of Wayne?
                                                                                be  the  new  and  highly  visible  en-  To access the survey while it is
                                                                                trance to Goudy Park.             live, scan the QR code and submit
                                                                                  “It will also serve as the new main  your answers.
                                                                                parking lot for Goudy Park once the  “I  am  most  looking  forward  to
                                                                                renovations  are  completed,”  said  what input the community has in re-
                                                                                Gouin. “We hope for the mural to be  gard to what they would like to see
                                                                                a destination for individuals to take  there. Will it be floral? Will it be a de-
                                                                                photos and enjoy the amenities that  piction of the City’s past? We look
                                                                                Goudy Park will offer.”           forward to hearing from everyone,”
                                                                                  The community's input is impor-  said Gouin.
                                                                                tant, needed, and will help inform   Be sure to fill out the survey and
                                                                                the design.                       share  what  you  think  reflects  our
                                                                                  To gather the public’s opinion, a  community!

                                                                                                                The Wayne Dispatch · February 2025 · 7
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