Page 5 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 5
By Carolyn Marnon went on several lunch dates and then
Every February, The Wayne Dis- finally made dinner plans and
patch tries to honor Wayne couples started dating,” says Jennifer. Chris
who have a love story to share. This says that he knew he was going to
year, our couples have been married marry Jennifer the minute he met
20-55 years. If you know a couple we her.
can feature in 2020, please contact Chris currently works for a sub-
us. contractor at the GM Romulus plant.
Jennifer is a Reservation Specialist
for Enterprise, Alamo and National
rental cars. In their spare time,
Chris likes to golf while Jennifer
likes to do crafts with her new DIY
company, Chalk Couture. They also
give back to the community. Jennifer
is president of the Wayne Goodfel-
lows. Chris helps her with the Good-
fellows while also serving in the
Knights of Columbus.
The couple married at St. Mary’s
Catholic Church in Wayne with a re-
ception at the Hellenic Cultural Cen-
ter in Westland. They lived in Wayne
for seven years, spent seven years liv-
Brenda and Matthew Ozog with their ing in Westland and then came back
children Courtney, Tiffany and Anthony. to Wayne where they have made their
home the last six years.
Matt and Brenda Ozog What is the secret to their suc-
Matthew Ozog and Brenda Shen- cessful marriage? According to Jen-
eman-Holmes met when they both nifer, “We were friends first and we
worked at the now-closed Kmart on remain friends and enjoy hanging
Wayne Rd. and Cherry Hill Rd. in out together. Joke and have fun to-
Westland. Matt was working in gether.” Her advice to other couples
Sporting Goods while Brenda is to stay friends and always say “I
worked in Clothing. The couple mar- love you” before leaving the house.
ried in April 1993 at St. Mary’s
Catholic Church in Wayne. Phil and Liz Marnon
Matthew works in IT at General Alicia (Liz) Barton was selling
Motors while Brenda is a Family candy bars for a Methodist church
Service Worker for the Wayne West- youth group shortly after Phil
land Community School District Marnon’s family had moved in down
Head Start program. In their spare the street. Phil was sitting on his
time, Matt coaches football and porch with his older sister. He says
Brenda is a ghost hunter. Matt be- Liz was wearing a polka-dot blouse,
longs to the Polish Roman Catholic pedal pushers, bobby sox, white ten-
Union of America and Brenda be- nis shoes and had a ponytail. He did-
longs to the Daughters of the Ameri- n’t have any money to buy candy, but
can Revolution while also the 12-year old Liz won a sweet spot
volunteering at local museums. in his heart.
Brenda has lived in Wayne since What happened next is unclear,
she was 14 years old. Matt lived in Chris and Jennifer Gietzen but the two were going steady the fol-
Romulus before the couple got mar- Chris and Jennifer Gietzen will lowing summer. Although they broke
ried. up once over Christmas (neither re-
be celebrating 20 years of marriage
Brenda believes the secret to in April. They both worked at a dia- members why they broke up, but
their successful marriage is that they betic supply company in Livonia Phil remembers that she threw the
spend time together and try to be when they met. Chris worked in the ring he gave her in the garbage. He
supportive for each other. Brenda’s shipping department while Jennifer dug it out and later gave it back to
advice to other couples? “Take your was the evening receptionist. “Chris her), they have been together ever
time to make sure they are right for would come and chit chat with me since.
you. You don’t have to marry early in when he turned in his daily logs as She was 18 when they married;
life. Be happy and respect each he worked the day shift, and I he was 21. She worked at Wayne
other’s time and space.” Matt and worked the evening shift. Finally I State University; he drove a truck.
Brenda will celebrate 26 years of went to day shift and Chris quit to do Her mother had told her she had to
marriage in April. his lawn business full-time, but he Jennifer and Chris Gietzen will be cele-
asked me out for a lunch date. We brating 20 years of marriage in April. See Love, page 6
The Wayne Dispatch · February 2019 · 5