Page 7 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 7

Mr. Kozaczynski's 2nd grade class with their flag that flew in Antarctica.
          Second grade students visit the world

          By Carolyn Marnon                              “Not all of us have all the answers,                     but this year Mr. K has done more of
             The  doors  through  which  I  en-                                                                   his own research on places. He also
          tered  Walker  Winter  Elementary                  and we’re learning from each                         taught other Walker Winter teachers
          School from the parking lot did not                                                                     last summer how they can connect
          seem very welcoming. Once I walked                      other all of the time.”                         technology with learning.
          down the hallway and stepped into                                                                          The students have been on some
          the school office, it was a different                                                                   incredible adventures with Distance
          story.  There  were  chairs  arranged              Mr. Chris Kozaczynski                                Learning. Mr. K says students were
          around  an  electric  fireplace  that                                                                   recently  disappointed  when  the
          seemed to scream out “sit down and                                                                      school district called a snow day be-
          make yourself comfortable!” A stu-  been  at  Walker  Winter  Elementary  educational  style  called  project-  cause that happened to be the day
          dent  was  snuggled  up  on  a  bench  School teaching 2nd grade. The last  based learning. The subject matter  they  were  supposed  to  do  one  of
          reading. She said it was a very comfy  six years have been teaching in the  that  the  students  are  expected  to  their SKYPE calls with Chichen Itza
          spot.                              TAG program.  Because students in  learn are all embedded in a project  to learn about Mayan and Egyptian
             I met Mr. Chris Kozaczynski out-  the TAG program all stay together as  that  pursues  their  interests.  Stu-  cultures.
          side the office. He led me down the  they move through the grades, the  dents are more engaged in learning  The penguin project is in its sec-
          hall  to  his  classroom  where  he  students really have a chance to get  and have fun choosing what to learn  ond year for the students in Mr. K’s
          teaches 2nd grade TAG (talented and  to know each other. The families be-  about. The learning goes deeper and  class. He was able to write a grant
          gifted)  students.  The  room  was  lit  come  close  and  do  activities  like  there is more questioning going on.  that  made  it  possible  for  the  stu-
          with small lamps scattered around  mini golf together in the summer.    Distance Learning is a new con-  dents to visit the Detroit Zoo and see
          the room rather than the usual fluo-  The structure of the TAG class-  cept  that  Mr.  K  is  in  his  2nd  year  the  penguins  up  close.  Students
          rescent  bulbs  that  fill  classrooms  room day is different from the regu-  teaching to his students. Each of the  were  able  to  speak  to  penguin  ex-
          with light. It was like entering your  lar classrooms. Since the students  schools now has a Technology Inter-  perts there.  Later, the class made a
          own living room to pursue your stud-  are able to pick up on subject matter  ventionist who can research things  Skype call to a penguin researcher in
          ies  in.  Mr.  Kozaczynski  says  that  more quickly than regular students,  for teachers and help them with tech-  Antarctica  while  she  was  working.
          many of the classrooms are like this  subjects are moved through at an ac-  nology.  Rebecca,  the  TI  at  Walker  They could see penguins in their nat-
          because they have found that natural  celerated pace. The students are also  Winter, showed Mr. K how he could  ural habitat and ask the researcher
          light  is  more  relaxing  for  the  stu-  able to go more in-depth on subjects.  use technology in his classroom so  questions. Through these calls, stu-
          dents.                             “Not all of us have all the answers,  students can visit with people in dif-  dents are able to make “true, mean-
             Mr.  K  has  taught  K-3  in  the  and we’re learning from each other  ferent places using the internet. Last  ingful connections to learning,” says
          Wayne-Westland School district for  all of the time,” says Mr. K.     year,  she  researched  a  lot  of  the
          22  years.  The  last  12  years  have  Mr. K’s classroom uses a different  places  the  students  learned  from,      See World, page 9
                                                                                                                The Wayne Dispatch · February 2019 · 7
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