Page 6 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 6
LOVE, Continued from page 6
be 18 and Phil had to have a job be-
fore Liz could get married. She
turned 18, he had a job and that was
They had planned to marry the
following summer, but Phil got a
draft notice sometime around
Thanksgiving. He had to report for a
physical on December 13, so they
moved up the wedding to Saturday,
December 14 thinking he would be
sent off somewhere. Since he was
Catholic and she was Methodist,
they joined the Episcopal church
and attended counseling sessions.
Because Phil suffered from chronic
bronchitis, he failed the military
physical, but they still got married.
They were married in the choir loft
of St. Christopher’s in Detroit.
Where did they go on their honey-
moon? “We didn’t,” says Liz. They
went home to the apartment they
rented. It was about 3 years before Liz and Phil Marnon on their wedding day in 1963.
they went on their first big trip to-
gether to Washington DC. purchased at Hilo Hattie’s. The vow them have reached over 50 years of ber), Phil jokes, “Stay away from
They had talked about Hawaii as renewal took place on a sandy beach marriage. No one has divorced. “I her.” Liz looks at him. “Respect.
a honeymoon destination, but they in Kauai with a special dinner at an think it’s amazing,” she said. That’s what I’ve always thought,” she
never went. 40 years later, they re- expensive hotel following. When asked what has been the says. “Yes,” he replies. “And working
newed their wedding vows wearing Liz finds it remarkable that of the secret to their long marriage (they together.” “I won’t say anything to
matching dress and shirt they had 10 kids in Phil’s family, seven of just celebrated 55 years last Decem- hurt you,” she adds. “No,” he agrees.
6 · February 2019 · The Wayne Dispatch