Page 9 - The Wayne Dispatch
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WORLD, Continued from page 7 share knowledge and do things.” wan sort all materials every day for
Student Spenser Parsell says, recycling.
Mr. K. Students have access to gath- “My favorite place we have gone so Bayside, Wisconsin-Students met
ering front-line info with people who far is Cape Royds, Antarctica. I with Lindsay Obermeier to learn
are doing research NOW. would like to go to space in the fu- about raptors and their characteris-
Students were able to name two ture. Learning this way is cool be- tics at the Schlitz Audubon Nature
of the Antarctic penguins themselves- cause we get to go anywhere in the Center.
they chose Oreo and Cookie. world by a screen and on our seats.” San Diego, California- Elizabeth
Graphic design students at the Student Maddox Yun wants to Forbes, who studied in Kenya,
William D. Ford Career Tech Center Skype Japan. “The person that shared what happens to an environ-
designed flags as part of their pro- started jiu jitsu originated there.” ment when large animals are af-
gram. The 2nd graders then were As a sign in Mr. Kozaczynski’s fected.
able to choose from those designs classroom reads “Teachers put the Bellevue, Nebraska - Students
the one they liked best to use as their stars within our reach.” played Mystery Skype with a 5th
classroom flag. That flag was sent to grade classroom. The other class-
the researcher in Antarctica who Where in the world room guessed they were in Michigan
then flew it on the continent. have the students after six questions, while Mr. K’s
Another favorite Skype call is the class guessed Nebraska after 7 ques-
Mystery Skype. Students will Skype been this year? tions.
with another classroom somewhere
in the world and try to determine North America Asia
where they are. Boise, Idaho-Students saw re- Bali, Indonesia-Students met Ryan asks Mystery Skype guests a ques-
Mr. K emphasizes that the level of searchers at the Intermountain Bird with Eli Germanov to learn about tion to see if the class can discover
learning beyond books and google is Observatory Lucky Peak Research whale sharks and manta rays and where the other classroom is
unbelievable with distance learning. Station capture and band a Sharp- how they are being affected by plas-
Learning is not about workbooks Skinned Hawk. Researchers are tics in the ocean. team discovered more than a thou-
and worksheets; it is beyond the tra- tracking raptor movements and Kolkata, India-Explorer Paul Sa- sand fossil elements belonging to
ditional. Students now want to call health. lopek is a writer and journalist who Homo naledi, a previously unknown
places and talk to the experts. “It’s San Diego, California-Students is currently walking across the world early human relative in the Rising
what they expect now,” he says. “This met with Lillygol Sedaghat to learn for a decade-long storytelling project Star cave system in South Africa.
has become second-hand to how we about Taiwanese recycling programs. called the Out of Eden Walk. Paul They have since discovered many
do things. It’s changed the way we They learned that students in Tai- has earned most of America’s top more fossils of this new species in-
print media awards, including cluding a nearly complete skeleton.
Pulitzers for his reporting on human
genetics and the civil war in Congo. Europe
He is 5 years into his journey. University of Bristol, United King-
dom- Patrick Kennedy shared his
Australia knowledge of wasps that he has
Tasmania, Australia-Students vis- learned while studying them in Cen-
ited with Jennifer Lavers to learn tral and South America. He was able
about microplastics and how they to tag them with radio transmitters!
have impacted Henderson and Lord
Howe Islands. Antarctica
Cape Royds, Antarctica-Students
Africa met with Jean Pennycook to learn
Sterkfontein Caves, Africa-Pale- more about Adelie penguins.
oanthropologist Lee Berger shared The only continent missing from
about the recent skeleton find in this the class’s “travels” at this time is
cave system. In 2013, Lee and his South America.
The Wayne Dispatch · February 2019 · 9