Page 4 - The Wayne Dispatch
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HYPE Tuesday will be able to visit vendors from
walking group Beaumont Healthy Wayne, the Wayne
Every Tuesday from 6:30-7:30 Historical Society, National Kidney
Foundation of Michigan, the Wayne
p.m. a free walking group for all ages Public Library and Oakstreet Health.
will meet in the lobby of HYPE Ath- In case of severe weather, you may
letics Center of Western Wayne (4635 call HYPE for more details at (734)
Howe Rd.). All are welcome to attend. 721-7400.
Amy, the leader, will meet you in the
Rummage sale
Family fun day The Norwayne Community Citi-
Friday, August 9, on your calen- zens Council and Warm Hearts will
be hosting a rummage sale on Satur-
dar for Family Fun Day at HYPE Ath- day, August 17, from 10:00 a.m.-
letics Center of Western Wayne (4635 3:00 p.m. at the Jefferson Barns
Howe Rd.). The free event is 10:00 Community Vitality Center. $2 per
a.m.-3:00 p.m. Wayne County Health grocery-size bag, $2 each for larger
Department and HYPE have teamed items that cannot fit in a grocery bag,
up this year to present this free com- and $3 each for very large items
munity event. The Health Depart- (strollers, furniture, etc). There will
ment will be offering free services: be family events including crafts in
vaccinations, lead testing, hearing the library, community resource in-
testing, vision testing, bike raffle and formation, school supplies (while
backpack with supplies. HYPE will supplies last), bake sale, snacks and
be offering bounce houses, swim- drop-in kickball on the baseball
ming and flu shots with CVS. There Don’t miss out on the Wayne Rotary Concerts in Goudy Park for the summer season, fields from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. All
will also be food trucks available for Wednesday nights in August at 7:30 p.m.. Photo by Ryan Wright proceeds will benefit the Norwayne
you to purchase something to eat.
towndays. from the DIA will speak about select Community Citizens Council com-
Downtown days DIA artworks to help you gain an ap- munity events.
The 3rd annual Downtown Days Big giant book sale preciation of the diversity, quality,
and world-class status of the mu- Wellness walk and talk
will celebrate Wayne’s 150th anniver- The Wayne Public Library, 3737 seum’s collection. Take steps to a healthier future!
sary sesquicentennial with a flea S. Wayne Rd, will be holding a used Learn about health and wellness
market and community garage sales, books bag sale Friday and Saturday, from Beaumont health professionals,
food trucks, DIA drop-in workshop, August 9-10, from Noon-4:00 p.m. It 4th annual get answers to your questions and
Art-O-Motive car hood contest, Win- will be the largest book sale of the community walk enjoy casual conversation during a
dow on Wayne photo contest, art and year. You can fill a big bag with books Healthy Wayne’s 4th Annual Com- 20-30 minute walk with the speaker
live music on August 9, 11:00 a.m.- for just $2 or a GIANT bag for $5. munity Walk will be held Wednesday, at the next Wellness Walk and Talk
9:00 p.m. and August 10, 9:00 a.m.- August 14, at noon. The walk start- on Friday, August 23, at 10:00 a.m.
9:00 p.m. The event will be held at Behind the seen talk ing point will be from Pavilion #2 at The US Surgeon General recognizes
the Veteran’s Plaza, 34841 Veteran’s Join the Wayne Public Library Attwood Park, 33601 Annapolis St. walking as one of the most impor-
Plaza, between the Wayne Public Li- and the Detroit Institute of Arts as Registration will take place begin- tant things you can do to support
brary and the Wayne public parking they present “DIA Behind the Seen ning at 11:30 a.m. There will be give-
garage. For more information, visit Talk: The Essentials” on Wednesday, aways, a Fitbit raffle and other August 14, at 6:00 p.m. A volunteer prizes. All are welcome. Participants See Calendar, page 9
4 · August 2019 · The Wayne Dispatch