Page 7 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 7

Volunteer painters being

                                                                                sought to help Friends

                                                                                By Carolyn Marnon                 HYPE Athletics Western Wayne, 4635
                                                                                  Volunteers are being sought for  Howe Rd, at 8:30 a.m. Breakfast will
                                                                                the  23rd  Annual  Friends:  People  be served and then everyone will be
                                                                                Helping  People  event  in  Wayne  on  told the location of the house. Volun-
                                                                                Saturday, September 7. FPHP helps  teers  will  receive  a  free  t-shirt  to
                                                                                residents,  usually  elderly  or  dis-  wear. If you would like to volunteer
                                                                                abled,  to  paint  and  spruce  up  the  but have never painted before, there
                                                                                outside of their homes.           will be instructors on-site to teach
                                                                                  Neighbors  usually  nominate  a  proper house-painting techniques. A
                                                                                homeowner  for  the  assistance.  A  coat of paint will go on in the morn-
                                                                                committee goes out to view all the  ing, lunch will be served (normally
                                                                                homes and evaluate how much help  pizza),  and  then  a  second  coat  of
                                                                                would  be  needed.  They  determine  paint goes on in the afternoon. Vol-
                                                                                what would need to be done, what  unteers should expect to be done by
                                                                                would be appropriate to do and how  2:00 p.m. You do not have to stay the
                                                                                much of the work the group can han-  whole event. You can come paint in
                                                                                dle.  The  homes  to  be  considered  the  morning  and  leave  when  you
                                                                                must  have  a  homeowner.  Homes  need to.
                                                                                with a landlord are not eligible.    Everything is donated to FPHP.
                                                                                  The 2019 home belongs to a dis-    If there is rain on September 7,
                                                                                abled couple. Before the official paint  the event will be rescheduled for Sep-
                                                                                party  on  September  7,  volunteers  tember 14.
                                                                                will  power  wash  the  home  and  do  If  you  would  like  to  volunteer,
                                                                                any caulking or repairs of old wood  please  call  Wayne  City  Hall  (734)
                                                                                needed. On paint day, all who wish  722-2000 or Al Damitio (734) 787-
                                                                                to  volunteer  are  asked  to  meet  at  1870.

                                                                                                                 The Wayne Dispatch · August 2019 · 7
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