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14th annual family fest has new events
By Carolyn Marnon
The 14th Annual Family Fest held
every August at Crosspointe Commu-
nity Church, 36125 Glenwood, in
Wayne promises to bring some new
events this year. According to
Suzanne Eidson, the festival’s coor-
dinator, there will be a Survivor Ob-
stacle Course, Micro Reality Racing,
a Radar Pitch Machine, Pony Rides
(from 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.) and a
few other surprises.
The area for businesses and or-
ganizations has expanded and as a
result, there will be representatives
from the Wayne Historical Society,
Wayne Main Street, Jefferson-Barnes
Community Vitality Center and
HYPE Athletics of Western Wayne.
Family Fest is a large event held The petting zoo and Detroit Tigers mascot Paws will return to this year’s Family Fest at Crosspointe Community Church.
on the church grounds. Everything is you have multiple people in your and a clothes closet (where each fam- For some, the highlight of the fes-
FREE to the community. The party to better accommodate more ily may take home one bag of gently tival could be all the free food! There
grounds officially open at 11:00 a.m. guests. used clothing for free). will be hot dogs, cotton candy, na-
The food court opens at Noon. Every- Other fun attractions include the If you want to be part of the clas- chos, sno-cones, caramel apples and
thing stays open until 4:00 p.m. Free classic car show with hundreds of sic car show, just show up with your more! Free Free Free!
parking is available across the street; cars to check out, bounce houses, car. Entry is free; this is limited to Mark Saturday, August 24, on
there will be parking attendants to face painting, crafts, games, a Lego the first 400 cars. Classic car park- your calendar so you won’t miss out
guide you. Carpooling is advised if station, water war games, petting zoo ing begins at 8:00 a.m. sharp! on this fun free family festival!
The Wayne Dispatch · August 2019 · 5