Page 8 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 8
Roof, Narcan and
circulation updates
By Carolyn Marnon looking into getting Narcan for the
The Youth Room had to be closed staff to have on hand in case of emer-
recently for a few days because of is- gencies (like we have an AED ma-
sues with the leaking roof. Thank- chine). I've reached out to the county
fully, the Wayne Public Library is about getting a supply and getting
now in the midst of getting the roof training, but we don't have anything
replaced. Replacement work began in place yet.”
in early July; it is estimated that Good news! The Wayne Public Li-
work will be done by the end of Au- brary had over 35,000 item check-
gust. outs last year (July 2018-June
Library Director Jody Wolak says 2019). This is up 8% over the previ-
“We are looking forward to a cozy fall ous year, and the first year in at least
with no leaks!” six years that there has been a circu-
Jody reports that “The library is lation increase.
8 · August 2019 · The Wayne Dispatch