Page 10 - The Wayne Dispatch
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HOUSE, Continued from page 9 expensive wood would be installed in she recounts how someone passing heard from several residents who
the more private areas of the home. by one day noticed the “fenceless” reached out in advance of the pro-
windows on the west side of the At the top of the landing is a window gate, smiled and whipped out his gram to let us know about potential
house with paneling; Andrea is not with its original lead glass, called phone to take a picture. houses.”
sure why because the now-uncov- wavy glass by historic preservation- According to John Mills, a mem- How can you tell if your home is
ered windows let in plenty of light. ists, that distorts the images outside ber of the Wayne Historical Society a kit home? You can look at the style
Although the basic layout of the of it. Some might be bothered by the and volunteer at the museum, 13 of the home paying special attention
kitchen and the woodwork and orna- waves, but others, like Andrea, find Sears model kit homes and 2 Mont- to the roofline and the chimney
mental details are still in place, the the charm. The bedroom doors are gomery Ward model kit homes placement, and compare it to catalog
kitchen was remodeled by a previous original to the house and have the (known as Wardway model homes) photos. Also look at window arrange-
owner due to some perceived fire original hardware knobs complete have been identified in the city of ments, columns and eave brackets.
hazards. Andrea added new paint with skeleton keys. Wayne. Is the home near a railroad? (Re-
and retro-inspired tile. With her up- Outside the house, Andrea points According to Andrew Mutch, member the kits were delivered to
dates, she says she got her style out the coal chute as part of the foun- “Most of the houses (in Wayne) were the town via railway cars.) Talk to
while still paying homage to the orig- dation that has since been sealed found by Wendy and I driving the neighbors or others in your commu-
inal home. She points out the details over. A nearby area of the foundation streets of Wayne. When we spot pos- nity who might know something
she discovered inside the doors of has wood covering it that Andrea sible houses, we note the address about your home’s history. Check
the pantry closet. One couldn’t help says she has not removed to investi- and take photos of them and com- the county Register of Deeds to trace
but be surprised to see a window in gate what is behind it. The home paring the possible houses to the the chain of ownership of the home.
the tiny closet that added natural now has energy-efficient windows, models shown in the catalog. A few You will need the legal property de-
light to the pantry. but the details around the windows of them were found by other kit scription which could be found on a
Each step on the stairs leading to have remained. When she bought the house researchers who did the same property tax bill. You can even check
the upstairs bedrooms gave a long house, the side yard was fenced with virtually using Google Streetview or for stamped lumber, fixtures and
creeeeeak and moooooaaan. It was chain link. She found it difficult to who spotted possible kit houses in joiner trim blocks, copies of blue-
the kind of sound old-house lovers mow around, so she had the fence real estate ads. A group that I work prints and shipping labels.
appreciate, a testament to the many removed. All that remains is the with does maintain several data- If you know that you live in a cat-
years of use and the aging of the stand-alone gate at the walkway. She bases for houses from different com- alog kit home, Sears, Wardway, Al-
wood. The stairs and the floors on said in the old days, homeowners panies that have been identified and addin, Sterling, or Lewis, please
the upper level appear to be maple. would leave their gate open meaning authenticated across the United contact the museum. You can call
Andrea says the more expensive they were accepting visitors. If the States. I did reference those to see if (734) 722-0113, email waynehistori-
wood was used where company gate was closed, it meant they there were any other houses in or stop by the
might tend to gather while the less weren’t available. She chuckles when Wayne that we had missed. We also museum, 1 Towne Square.
Class of 2021
young women wanted Larry "Chum" Stock- talia, Shane, Cory, Ryan, Chaneil, Maria (Bran-
don) Mullins, Marguerite, Duncan, and Veron-
well, 80, owner of
The Distinguished Young Women Program is looking for young Chum's Donut Shop in ica; great-grandchildren, Jade and Nathan.
women who are high school juniors (Class of 2021) to participate in Westland, passed Also survived by sister, Sally (Neal) Hannan
their annual scholarship program. away Thursday, Janu- and many nieces and nephews. In addition to
Program orientation for interested young ladies is Sunday, January ary 2, 2020. Larry was his parents, Larry was pre-deceased by his sib-
26, at 4:00 p.m. (32807 Manor Park, Garden City MI 48135). DYW is born on February 13, lings, Anthony "Tony" (Dorothy) Stockwell,
looking for ladies for the Wayne-Westland program, but is also excited
to introduce a new additional program being launched-Wayne County 1939 in Detroit to Suzanne Schwein, and Mary Lou (Leo) Shee-
Distinguished Young Women. Chalmer C. "Chum" han.
If you know a young lady in the Class of 2021 who is involved in and Helen Marie Stockwell, the youngest of Visitation was at Harry J. Will Funeral Home,
school and/or community activities, is outstanding in academics, lead- their five children. He grew up in Belleville and on January 6, 2020 (with a Rosary Service at
ership, athletics or the arts and is interested in earning scholarships graduated from St. Mary's High School in 7:00 p.m.). On Tuesday, January 7, 2020, vis-
for college, this program would be ideal for her. It’s free to participate. Wayne in 1957. Larry was a U.S. Army vet- itation continued at St. Mary Catholic Church.
Girls can make new friendships, learn life skills like interviewing and eran. Larry's father started the donut business Interment services with military honors oc-
public speaking, have fun putting on a showcase of her achievements, in 1941, Larry opened his Westland shop in curred at Great Lakes National Cemetery on
plus help pay for her college education. 1966. Mr. Stockwell was known as "Coach Wednesday, January 8, 2020 at 12:30 p.m.
There will be a showcase that will combine all young ladies from
both the Wayne County and Wayne-Westland Programs which will take Stockwell" to many football, basketball, base- Memorials in honor of Larry may be made to:
place on March 6, 2020 at Wayne Memorial High School. To register, ball and softball players. They benefitted from American Diabetes Association P.O. Box
simply go to: or his sports knowledge and leadership for St. 15829, Arlington, VA 22215 and click on "Apply Now." Mary's teams for over 40 years. Larry was (, American Heart Associa-
Distinguished Young Women of Wayne / Westland is part of a na- also a member of the Knights of Columbus tion Greater Midwest Affiliate , 3816 Pay-
tional scholarship program that promotes and rewards scholarship, #3021 Notre Dame Council. sphere Circle, Chicago, IL 60674,
leadership and talent in young women. Cash scholarships are awarded Larry is survived by his wife of 58 years, Veron- (, National Kidney
at the local level and millions in college-granted scholarships are avail- ica; children, Troy (Lynne) Stockwell, Todd Foundation, 1169 Oak Valley Drive, Ann Arbor,
able ($1 billion nationally). And local winners will advance to the state (Sandra) Stockwell, Craig (Jill) Stockwell, MI 48108 (, Michigan Medi-
program in Canton, Michigan where they give away more than $4,000 Robin (Larry) Small, and Traci (Bryce) Wilson; cine (U of M Hospital) 1000 Oakbrook Drive-
in cash tuition scholarships.
grandchildren, Ashley Wieczorek, Sierra, Na- Suite 100, Ann Arbor, MI 48104.
10 · January 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch