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P. 5

Small town boy to international traveler

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                                                       think you can write?”
             “We’re gonna read books out loud                                                                        Back in those days, papers were
          as a family,” said Phil Cousineau’s                                                                     cut and pasted together. As a high
          dad  after  kicking  their  Philco  TV                                                                  school junior, Phil says he would call
          down  the  stairs  one  day  long  ago.                                                                 all the coaches for their scores and
          Phil was growing up on Eastlawn in                                                                      noted who their best players were.
          Wayne where he eventually went on                                                                       He’d have to write it up because he
          to graduate from St. Mary’s.                                                                            was taught there was “no story with-
             Phil’s dad worked in public rela-                                                                    out  the  notes”  and  as  his  mentor
          tions  at  Ford  Motor  Company’s                                                                       Roger would say “Cousineau, it ain’t
          “Glass  House”  in  Dearborn.  Every-                                                                   real  till  it’s  ink.”  That’s  when  Phil
          where the Cousineau’s went became                                                                       knew he wanted to write for the rest
          a history listen. “Did you know…?”                                                                      of his life.
             Now living in San Francisco, Phil                                                                       While studying journalism at the
          is  a  prolific  author  with  19  books                                                                University of Detroit, Phil worked in
          listed  on  his  website  philcous-                                                                     a  steel  factory.  Authors  like  Bill
,  many  of  which  can  be                                                                    Bonds,  Joyce  Carol  Oates  and  El-
          found  at  the  Wayne  library.  He  re-                                                                more Leonard would come speak in
          cently  made  an  appearance  at  the                                                                   his classes, inspiring him further to
          Wayne Public Library to talk about                                                                      pursue a career in writing and the
          his work and career at “Words, Wan-                                                                     arts.
          derlust and Wayne.”                                                                                        After  earning  his  degree  (he
             While guests were arriving at the  Phil Cousineau is host of his own show on PBS called Global Spirit. His most recent  thinks he is the first Cousineau to
          library event, it was like a class re-                                                                  get one), Phil went off to Europe for
          union unfolding. Many of the atten-  guest was Carlos Santana.                                          three months to “see the world.” He
          dees were classmates who came to   English  teachers  appeared  to  see  vorite  students.  One  of  the  class  found the art and literature in Eu-
          reminisce  with  Phil.  One  of  Phil’s  what must have been one of her fa-  members shouted, “Cousineau, have  rope fascinating and despite having
                                                                                you found yourself?” Phil replied, “I  a job as a cub reporter at the Detroit
                                                                                haven’t  found  myself,  but  I’m  still  Free Press lined up and waiting for
                                                                                looking.”                         him upon his return, he decided to
                                                                                  Growing up, Phil loved sports. He  keep travelling. Europe had music,
                                                                                says most jocks don’t read, but he  street cafes, art and much more that
                                                                                would play ball and frequent the li-  celebrated  beauty.  He  says  at  the
                                                                                brary.  While  in  high  school  at  St.  time,  Detroit  was  considered  the
                                                                                Mary’s, Phil covered sports for the  murder  capital  of  the  world.  He
                                                                                yearbook. Roger Turner, editor of the  didn’t have much interest in that.
                                                                                former Wayne Dispatch, was looking   “I’m never bored because I’m in-
                                                                                for  a  sports  reporter  who  could  terested  in  everything,”  exclaimed
                                                                                cover the local area. The principal  Phil. For the next seven years, Phil
                                                                                asked the 17-year-old Phil if he was  did construction work in California
                                                                                interested.  At  the  interview,  Roger,  while reading a book a day. Opportu-
                                                                                wearing a fedora with a cigar in his  nity came along for Phil to help write
                                                                                mouth blowing smoke and lounging  “The Hero’s Journey: The World of
                                                                                back in his chair with his feet up on
                                                                                his desk asked Phil “So kid. Do you            See Traveler, page 7

                                                                                                                 The Wayne Dispatch · January 2020 · 5
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