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Ford Motor Co. to make huge reinvestment
Ford Motor Company is investing “At Ford, we are investing aggressively in building Ford pledged to invest $6 billion in
more than $1.45 billion in two south- its U.S. factories, creating or retain-
east Michigan manufacturing facili- on our strengths today – including trucks and SUVs ing 8,500 jobs. Ford is proud to be
ties and adding 3,000 new jobs to America’s No. 1 producer of vehicles
strengthen its leadership in trucks – while at the same time expanding our leadership and the largest employer of UAW-rep-
and SUVs and support the com- resented autoworkers.
pany’s expansion into electric and into electric and autonomous vehicles,”
autonomous vehicles. Joe Hinrichs New 2020 F-150, F-150 hybrid
Ford is investing approximately and all-electric F-150 expand
$750 million and adding 2,700 new President, Automotive for Ford Motor Company Ford’s truck leadership
direct jobs at its manufacturing facil- In 2020, Ford will debut the all-
ity in Wayne, Mich., during the next modified for customers. “As America’s No. 1 producer of au- new F-150 and F-150 hybrid. The
three years. Ford will install new At Ford’s Dearborn manufactur- tomobiles, we are proud of our com- fully electric Ford F-150 is coming
equipment to support production of ing site, Ford will add 300 jobs and mitment to invest in manufacturing soon after and will be part of the
the all-new Ford Bronco and Ford invest about $700 million to support here in Michigan.” company’s more than $11.5 billion
Ranger as well as create a new mod- production of new electrified vari- The company’s investments are global electrified vehicle investment.
ification center at the Wayne location. ants of its F-150 truck, producing supported by Ford’s strong partner- Dearborn Truck Plant will build
Employees at Ford’s Autonomous both a F-150 hybrid and fully electric ship with the UAW, as well as with these Ford F-150s, part of Ford F-Se-
Vehicle, Bronco and Ranger modifi- F-150. Ford will also create a new op- federal, state, county and local gov- ries, America’s best-selling truck for
cation center in Wayne will complete eration in Dearborn where battery ernments. 42 straight years.
Ford’s first autonomous vehicles cells will be assembled into a battery "The UAW is proud of Ford’s com-
starting in 2021, including installing pack for the F-150 hybrid and all- mitment to manufacturing in the All-new Bronco returns
the vehicles’ unique self-driving tech- electric F-150. United States and in Michigan,” said The Ford Bronco will be revealed
nology and unique purpose-built in- “At Ford, we are investing aggres- UAW President Rory Gamble. “This in the spring of 2020. This all-new
teriors. This will be the first center sively in building on our strengths is a direct result of the 2019 collec- off-road SUV will be built alongside
of its kind for Ford and will drive today – including trucks and SUVs – tive bargaining process, providing the Ford Ranger at Ford’s Michigan
synergies with the company’s exist- while at the same time expanding additional jobs – and job security – Assembly Plant. As one of Ford’s
ing AV research functions in Dear- our leadership into electric and au- for UAW members in Southeast icons, Bronco represents where the
born and Detroit. At that same tonomous vehicles,” said Joe Hin- Michigan.” company is expanding and where it’s
location, Bronco and Ranger will be richs, Ford’s president, Automotive. In the 2019 UAW-Ford contract, playing to win.
6 · January 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch