Page 8 - The Wayne Dispatch
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People lined up outside Karma Coffee and Kitchen to kick-off Small Business Satur-
day before the holidays.
Small business Saturday
an overwhelming success
Downtown Wayne was abuzz Sat- a national movement to raise aware-
urday, November 30, as businesses ness about the importance of sup-
throughout the district welcomed porting local businesses.”
customers looking for holiday gifts To promote Wayne’s Small Busi-
and great deals. Sam Rainey, Wayne ness Saturday efforts, Wayne Main
Main Street Interim Executive Direc- Street held its Annual Small Busi-
tor, comments “Small Business Sat- ness Saturday kick-off event at
urday in downtown Wayne is more Karma Coffee & Kitchen (35634 W.
than just shopping for your holiday Michigan Avenue, Wayne, MI 48184).
gifts; it’s about bringing that small More than 100 shoppers attended
community feeling to the surface. the event which included free coffee
The business owners in Wayne know and “Shop Small Business” tote
their customers; everyone is a famil- bags, as well as a random gift card
iar face. Small Business Saturday is in every bag.
8 · January 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch