Page 4 - The Wayne Dispatch
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Judge set to retire classic farces of the 30's and 40's. Wayne County one, Eloise. the City of Wayne cannot cover mem-
29th District Court Judge Laura For tickets, visit www.inspirethe - berships for both centers, but the
Mack will be retiring effective March Coffee Hour City is pleased to offer one to you.
1, 2020. Judge Mack has served the Join your state legislators for cof- If you are already a member of
City of Wayne since 2004. Because Dueling piano party fee and conversation. Representative the Dyer Center or Friendship Cen-
Judge Mack is still at the beginning Wayne Rotary Club presents their Kevin Coleman and Senator Dayna ter and paid your dues for the year,
of her time, her replacement will be annual St. Paddy’s Dueling Piano Polehanki will be eager to hear your you cannot be reimbursed. However,
appointed by Governor Gretchen Party on Saturday, March 14, at 7:30 questions and comments on any and the City will cover your new member-
Whitmer. Her replacement must be a p.m. Held at HYPE Western Wayne all state issues. Join them at the ship for 2020 using the same
lawyer in good standing who lives in Center, 4635 Howe, this evening of Wayne Public Library on Thursday, process above. The Romulus Senior
Wayne at the time of the appointment musical entertainment includes a January 23, from 6:00-7:00 p.m. Center is also offering FREE mem-
and who has at least five years of ex- cash bar, food available for purchase, berships to Wayne Seniors. This cen-
perience as a lawyer. The replace- 50/50 raffles and fun. Tickets are Attention Wayne seniors! ter is located at 3625 Bibbins Street
ment will have to run on a upcoming $20 each. Proceeds will benefit Are you interested in a paid mem- in Romulus. If you have any ques-
ballot to be affirmed by the voters. If Wayne Memorial High School Rotary bership to the Dyer Center or Friend- tions, please call (734) 722-2002.
affirmed, that person would serve College Scholarships. Doors will ship Center? Both offer a number of
until the end of Judge Mack’s cur- open at 6:30 p.m. with show starting wonderful opportunities tailored for Martin Luther King Jr.
rent term which ends in 2024. at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available at individuals 50 years and older. The celebration and
Henry’s Service Center, Kurt’s Cap City of Wayne will pay the annual freedom walk
Lunar new year dinner and HYPE. For more information, membership for you to join ONE of The City of Westland has invited
Karma Coffee, 35634 W Michigan contact Linda Gable at (734) 751- the centers. All you have to do is sign Wayne to join in with the Annual Mar-
Ave, will be bringing in the Lunar 2302 or email up at one of the locations; they will tin Luther King, Jr. Celebration that
New Year with their Saturday Supper bill the City of Wayne. will take place on Monday, January
Club on January 25 at 7:00 p.m. Wayne Memorial to host Since July 1 over 50 Wayne Sen- 20 at Westland City Hall, 36300 War-
The four-course meal will include 8th grade parent night iors have signed up for a member- ren Rd. Doors will open at 8:00 a.m.
egg rolls, steamed dumplings, fried Wayne Memorial High School will ship at the Friendship Center joining and a shuttle bus will be provided
rice and more. Tickets are $25 per be hosting an 8th grade parent night over 100 of their friends and neigh- from City Hall to the Westland Public
person. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for those transitioning to 9th grade bors who were already members. Library where the Freedom Walk to
Call (734) 589-0304 to reserve your or interested in getting more infor- The Friendship Center is located signify unity will begin at 9:00 a.m.
table. mation about Wayne Memorial High at 1119 Newburgh in Westland. The The walk will take place down Cen-
School for the 2020-2021 school Dyer Center is located at 36745 Mar- tral City Parkway and end back at
Daddy daughter dance year. Students do not have to be cur- quette, also in Westland. Westland City Hall. The MLK Cere-
HYPE Western Wayne Center, rently attending a Wayne-Westland Both centers offer a variety of pro- mony begins at 10:00 a.m. Please
4635 Howe Rd, will be holding their Community School to attend. The grams including but not limited to: join the celebration of the life and
Annual Daddy-Daughter Dance on event will be held on February 4, • Daily congregate meals; travel legacy of one of America's most ex-
Friday, February 7, from 6:00-8:00 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the Wayne Me- programs; blood pressure and dia- traordinary men, Martin Luther
p.m. Dinner and refreshments will morial High School Stockmeyer Au- betes screening; health screenings; King, Jr.
be served. Pictures are an additional ditorium. Topics covered will flu shots; massages; legal aid; educa-
cost. Tickets are limited to 225 peo- include: scheduling, graduation re - tional seminars; access to tax consul-
tation; alterations; Zumba; Tai Chi; Warming center in Wayne
ple and are $25 per couple plus $7 quirements, testing out require -
for each additional child. Call for ments, direct college courses, AP movie days; chorus and choir; game The Wayne Police Department's
tickets (734) 721-7400. courses, extra-curricular activities, night; shopping and casino excur- lobby is open 24 hours a day. Any-
and much more. All are welcome to sions; quilting; line dancing… and one is welcome to use the lobby as a
Step back in time attend and questions are encouraged. much, much more. Unfortunately, warming center.
Inspire Theatre, 33455 Warren Parking is available in the Glenwood
Rd, Westland presents “Suite Surren- Street parking lot and guests should
der” January 10-26. enter through the front of the audito-
In the play, it's 1942 and two of rium. Any additional questions
Hollywood's biggest divas have de- should be directed to the Counseling
scended upon the luxurious Palm Department at (734) 419-2215.
Beach Royale Hotel -- assistants, lug-
gage, and legendary feud with one an- Michigan poorhouses
other in tow. Everything seems to be The Wayne Historical Society in-
in order for their wartime perform- vites you to History of Poorhouses:
ance...that is, until they are some- Eloise on Thursday, January 9, at
how assigned to the same suite. 7:00 p.m. at the Wayne Historical
Mistaken identities, overblown egos, Museum. Guest speaker Adam Oster
double entendres, and a lap dog from the Library of Michigan will
named Mr. Boodles round out this give a presentation on Michigan
hilarious riot of a love note to the poorhouses, especially our local
4 · January 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch