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Dueling piano party                events  will  also  be  held  on  Thurs- Drag queen bingo            on Thursday, March 12, at 7:00 p.m.
             Wayne Rotary Club presents their  days from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Febru-  comes to Wayne                 at  the  Wayne  Public  Library.  The
          annual  St.  Paddy’s  Dueling  Piano  ary 20, February 27, March 5, March  Drag Queen Bingo will be coming  event is hosted by the Wayne Histor-
          Party on Saturday, March 14, at 7:30  12  and  March  26.    Registrations  to the Wayne-Westland Family Center  ical Society.
          p.m. Held at HYPE Western Wayne    taken after March 28 are by appoint-  Moose Lodge 835 on Saturday, Feb- Ghost hunt
          Center, 4635 Howe, this evening of  ment only and are subject to a $10  ruary 22. Tickets are available now  The Great Lakes Ghost Hunters
          musical  entertainment  includes  a  late fee. Players from all cities are  and can be purchased at the Lodge’s
          cash bar, food available for purchase,  welcome. You will need to provide a  bar,  38050  Michigan  Ave,  for  $20  invite you to join them for a ghost
          50/50  raffles  and  fun.  Tickets  are  copy of your child’s birth certificate.  presale. Tickets, if any are still avail-  hunt  in  Wayne’s  140  year  old  mu-
                                                                                                                  seum on Friday, March 13. Tickets
          $20  each.  Proceeds  will  benefit  For more information, contact WBA  able,  will  be  $25  at  the  door  the
          Wayne Memorial High School Rotary  at (734) 722-6400.                 night  of  the  event.    Doors  open  at  are $20 for a one-hour spot between
                                                                                                                  8:00 p.m. and midnight. Contact the
          College  Scholarships.  Doors  will                                   5:30 p.m. Show starts at 7:00 p.m.
          open at 6:30 p.m. with show starting  Girls wanted                    Bar food will be available 5:30-7:30  Wayne Historical Museum for ticket
          at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available at  for fastpitch softball         p.m. Seats are all general admission.  information.
          Henry’s Service Center, Kurt’s Cap    The Wayne Baseball Association  This show is for 21 and older; ID will  Free ice cream cone day
          and  HYPE.  For  more  information,  (WBA) is looking for girls born 2003-  be checked at the door. This event  Dairy  Queen’s  annual  free  cone
          contact  Linda  Gable  at  (734)  751-  2013 for Fastpitch Softball.  Regis-  sold out last fall.       day will take place Thursday, March
          2302 or email  tration  will  be  held  at  the  Wayne                              19,  from  1:00-9:00  p.m.  at  the
                                             Public Library, 3737 S. Wayne Rd. History of greeting cards          Wayne  Dairy  Queen  on  Wayne  Rd.
          African-American                   on Thursdays (Feb. 20 and 27, Mar.   Wayne  Historical  Society  Presi-  Come get your free small vanilla soft-
          geneaology                         5 and 12) from 5:30-7:30 p.m. and  dent Nicole Conklin will be giving a  serve cone. The event is held in part-
             Geneaologist Jessica Trotter will  on Saturdays (Feb. 15 and 19 and  presentation on the history and cus-  nership with the Children’s Miracle
          teach about the fundamentals of re-  Mar.  14  and  28)  from  12:30-2:30  toms of greeting cards. The Wayne  Network  Hospitals.  Your  Wayne
          searching your family tree at African-  p.m. There will also be a special reg-  Historical Museum will have a large  Dairy Queen opens for the 2020 sea-
          American Geneaology on Wednesday,  istration  on  Thursday,  March  19,  variety of vintage cards from the mu-  son on Sunday, February 9.
          February  12,  at  5:30  p.m.  at  the  from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Mark Chevro-  seum collection on display. Light re-  Make a fairy garden
          Wayne Public Library.              let,  33200  Michigan  Ave.  Players  freshments  will  be  served.  The
                                             from all cities are welcome.       History of Greeting Cards will be at  The Wayne Historical Society will
          Baseball and                                                          the  museum,  1  Towne  Square,  on  be hosting a Fairy Garden Workshop
                                                                                                                  on Saturday, April 4 at 1:00 p.m. All
          softball registration              Children’s story                   Thursday, February 13, at 7:00 p.m.  supplies  will  be  provided  for  this
             The Wayne Baseball Association  time at the library                                                  make-and-take fairy garden. Reserve
          (WBA) will be hosting registration for  The Wayne Public Library will be  Airport historian gives       your spot today for $20.
          baseball and softball players for the  celebrating  Black  History  Month  talk about female pilots
          2020 season on Saturday, February  with a children’s story-time event for  Detroit  Metro  Airport  historian  Blood drive
          15,  from  12:30-2:30  p.m.  at  the  children ages 6 and up with an adult  Daniel Mason will talk about the 107  The Wayne-Westland Family Cen-
          Wayne Public Library, 3737 S. Wayne  caregiver on Saturday, February 22,  female pilots who flew aircraft in and  ter Moose Lodge will be holding an
          Rd. The WBA believes team sports   at  3:00  p.m.  The  story  is  “Grand-  out of what is now Detroit Metro Air-  American Red Cross Blood Drive on
          help youth gain confidence, learn re-  daddy’s Turn: A Journey to the Bal-  port  during  a  presentation,  The  Saturday,  February  29,  from  9:00
          sponsibility  and  become  leaders.  lot Box” followed by a discussion for  W.A.S.P. of Romulus Army Airfield,  a.m.- 3:00 p.m.
          Registration events will also be held  the right to vote and the making of a
          February 29, March 14 and March    craft related to this important sub-
          28,  12:30-2:30  p.m.    Registration  ject.

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