Page 9 - The Wayne Dispatch
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LOVE, Continued from page 6 jewelry together. They invested in things work.”
their shop together. “We’ve been mak- “We like to hold hands. My sister
miah. They do lots of family stuff to- ing jewelry together over ten years,” thinks it’s corny,” says Kim. She also
gether with Nolan, now 7 who can says Kim. Dave adds that “I say ‘yes says Dave likes to “same-side sit” in
play an energetic game of UNO with dear’ a lot.” booths at restaurants.
himself, and their 10-year old daugh- Kim says they appreciate each Kim and Dave’s wonderful adven-
ter. They agree that Nolan is a mini other’s different styles. The way they tures include purchasing their store
version of his dad. They generally do communicate, their love languages, in March 2015. “It took us seven
the same activities together: shop- “leaning into the other person’s style months to renovate it. Dave was
ping, dinner, movies at the State and needs.” She goes on “You have working and would come in at the
Wayne. “We do more family things to practice putting your self second end of the workday. We sold a lot of
than we do couple things,” says and your couplehood first.” books while doing demolition and
Amara. “As we age, there’s more inde- easy renovations,” says Kim. Helium
This duo will be expanding the pendence,” Kim says. She adds that Studio was formerly a bookstore.
family soon. Baby Webster is due to Dave has other friends to do things Dave Jenkins and Kim White-Jenkins on They also camped a lot with the
arrive May 15. And then there will be with, like going to the shooting range. their wedding day. kids for several years, all trips in
five. She comments that one of their first Michigan except for one stint in Ken-
schoolgirl, on the debate team with tucky. It was 100 degrees and there
a strict upbringing as the oldest were no real beaches in Kentucky. In-
The Jenkins child of 5. Dave, the youngest of 4, stead, there was a “pond” beach that
Back at the turn of the century, was in the marching band and rode just happened to be closed while
when the internet was still new to his bike for hours. “I do credit Dave they were there. A tornado came
many of us, there was a website and his family for bringing me back through, the tents got blown down
called uDate. It was on uDate that to the church,” says Kim. They share and full of water. It was the most mis-
Kim White and Dave Jenkins hap- their faith life at Merriman Baptist erable time according to Kim. How-
pened to connect. Neither seems to Church where they got married in ever, their daughter said it was the
remember how they came to start the gym. Kim walked the half-court best! Kim admits to being a beach
emailing and calling each other, but line as her aisle because an addition person who likes to read. Dave is
Dave clearly remembers that women to the church sanctuary was under more active, prone to off-road jeep-
got to use the site for free while men construction. ing and metal detecting. Kim admits
had to pay for it. Dave brought two kids into their they do like to geocache together.
Kim thought Dave was a police of- marriage. Brian is now 22 and Liz is Dave did add, “Mammoth Cave
ficer because he was wearing a blue 25. For their honeymoon, they makes a great tornado shelter.”
lab coat and it looked like he was fid- stayed at a bed and breakfast in Kim encapsulates their love in six
dling with some evidence in his Chicago for a few days. Later that words. “To me, it’s a God-ordained
uDate profile photo. She turns to fall, they went to Ireland. relationship.”
him at her side, “I never told you The couple is currently binge-
that.” watching “The Crown,” a Netflix
Their first date was at Union drama that chronicles the life of “We like to
Street, an art deco eatery in midtown Queen Elizabeth II, during their chill-
Detroit. Kim was so impressed with Dave Jenkins and Kim White-Jenkins will time. Dave shares that “Her phone is hold hands.
Dave that she says she just wanted be celebrating their 17th anniversary going nuts while we watch it! She’s
to tell someone she met someone looking up historical facts” to see if
great. next month. what is on the show is true. My sister thinks
Kim and Dave are the owners of dates was also at a shooting range. Dave admits, “She’s interesting.
Helium Studio on Wayne Rd. in Growing up in a church that she We always have good conversations. it’s corny.”
Wayne. Next month, they will have describes as “solemn,” Kim admits She’s fun to be around.” Kim turns
been married for 17 years. The se- that Dave is a social butterfly at their around and says, “I tell Dave at least
cret to their relationship? They say church while she is more laid back three times a week ‘how did you Kim White-Jenkins
it’s doing things together. They make and quiet. Kim grew up as a Catholic know that?’ He knows facts or how
PIZZA, Continued from page 3 the advertising front as the quality like to move her business to Wayne. “I was a single mom and I relied
was being reworked. Now that the “Wayne is a way of life,” she says. heavily on my dad and my sons’
ferent owners ran the restaurant pizza is up to the original Toarmina’s “Everyone we know is in Wayne.” other grandparents to watch my
poorly thinking it would run itself, standards, she is promoting the However, that dream is not in the kids. Their dad was never in the pic-
says Crystal. She’s determined to restaurant and offering specials, near future. Until then, Crystal ture. I just made it work until I met
change all that. mostly through the facebook page wants everyone to know “there is a my fiancé and he helped me a lot.
“I’m making it the way the “Toarmina’s 1311 S. Wayne Rd” new owner/operator here” who cares “I wouldn't be the person I am
Toarmina’s originally intended it to Loving that Toarmina’s is a fam- about the community. “I’m not just today if it wasn't for the people help-
be,” Crystal says. She is working 5-6 ily-run and operated business, a another business owner. I don’t plan ing me along the way. Many friends
days, 40-50 hours per week to make small mom and pop-type restaurant on going anywhere else soon.” helped me watch my kids while I
sure of that. She has had to retrain that is not corporate, where she To everyone who is having or has worked or just were there when I
the employees on making the food. knows all the other owners and that had a rough time in their life, she ad- needed someone. I owe everything to
She has hired new people where the she can contact Lou Toarmina when- vises them not to give up. “Keep them because without them who
focus is on the product and how to ever she needs to, are major plusses going. There’s a light at the end of knows where I would be? It takes a
make it properly. She’s been quiet on for Crystal. Ultimately, she would the tunnel. Anything is possible. village to raise a child.”
The Wayne Dispatch · February 2020 · 9