Page 8 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 8

Downtown improvements are happening

          By Carolyn Marnon
             The Downtown District of Wayne
          comprises the areas along Wayne Rd
          and Michigan Avenue from city limit
          to city limit in each direction. The
          Downtown  Development  Authority
          (known as the DDA) is tasked with
          implementing plans for the physical
          improvements that affect the appear-
          ance of the downtown and to develop
          cultural  and  recreational  activities
          which increases activity in the area.
             Community Development Direc-
          tor Lori Gouin recently presented an
          informational report to the city coun-
          cil  about  DDA  activities  in  2019.
          This report can be accessed online
             The  DDA,  in  conjunction  with                        The DDA was a major contributor in the Wayne Rotary’s Summer Concert series in Goudy Park.
          Wayne  Main  Street,  helps  host  the  The  Wayne  Rotary’s  Summer  Avenue.  On  Wayne  Rd,  new  busi-  hind  Leo’s  Jewelry  have  been
          annual  Scarecrow  Show  and  Con-  Concert  series  in  Goudy  Park  is  a  nesses include Nemo’s Subs, Power  cleaned   and   remulched.   The
          test. This event draws thousands of  huge event in the city. Over 2,000+  Stroke Printing LLC, 7 Star Liquor,  flowerbeds  along  Wayne  Rd  from
          people  to  downtown  Wayne.  This  people attend the musical event each  and UAW Local 845.            Simms  to  Glenwood  have  had  the
          event allows individuals and groups  week. The DDA is a major sponsor   The DDA has met with the Wayne  plantings  removed  and  replaced.
          to design and build a scarecrow on a  of this event.                  County Department of Public Serv-  The area surrounding the Peace Me-
          pre-made T-frame. The scarecrows      The  DDA  also  sponsors  Small  ices to discuss traffic calming and a  morial  by  the  library  has  had  the
          are  displayed  along  a  portion  of  Business Saturday with Wayne Main  pedestrian crossing on Wayne Rd be-  bushes trimmed and the area rem-
          Wayne  Rd  and  Michigan  Avenue   Street to draw citizens into the city  tween W. Michigan Avenue and Glen-  ulched along with restoring the en-
          where  community  members  can     to  shop  local.  Karma  Coffee  and  wood.  Strategic  planning  sessions  tire exterior of the Peace Memorial.
          view and then vote on their favorites  Kitchen hosted the kick-off event in  with members of the Planning Com-  In 2020, the DDA plans to con-
          in a contest with a $100 cash prize  November. Over $1000 in gift cards  mission have been underway to pro-  tinue landscape improvements along
          for winners.                       for local stores were placed in some  vide  input  on  the  City  of  Wayne  W. Michigan Avenue, promote a new
             Wayne’s Annual Downtown Days,   of the tote bags given out. Kids had  Master  Plan  Revision.  New  busi-  Façade Improvement Program, add
          co-hosted with Wayne Main Street, is  the opportunity to visit with Santa at  nesses have been welcomed with rib-  dumpster enclosures to public lots
          a two-day family-friendly event that  the A Visit With Santa event held at  bon-cutting  ceremonies  at  various  and update the DDA Plan following
          took  place  this  year  in  Veteran’s  the State Wayne Theatre.      locations.  The  DDA  has  also  com-  the completion of the City’s Master
          Plaza with food, music, a flea mar-   The  DDA  celebrates  new  busi-  pleted all public reporting require-  Plan.
          ket, and other activities.         nesses that have come to Wayne in  ments  as  mandated  by  PA  57  of  Also in the works is the forma-
             TOAST Wayne (formerly Jazz on   the  past  year:  Tropical  Smoothie  2018. Improvements have been im-  tion of a partnership with the Wayne
          the Avenue), the annual Wayne Main  Café, Bei Capelli Collection, Wayne  plemented in the Downtown District.  County Community College District
          Street fundraiser, is co-sponsored by  Auto Deal LLC, The Creative Mobility  Trees have been trimmed along W.  to institute a program which will as-
          the DDA and the City of Wayne. The  Group,   Allstar   Patriots/Dance,  Michigan  Avenue.  Trees  blocking  sist in developing small businesses
          event  brings  together  community  Wayne Wellness Inc dba the Releaf  storefronts have been removed. Pub-  by  providing  access  to  business
          members to downtown Wayne to cel-  Zone, Appliance Avenue and Allstar  lic parking lots have been restriped.  loans,  business  development  serv-
          ebrate what is best about Wayne.   Patriots Cheer Gym-all on Michigan  The islands next to the Court and be-  ices and networking opportunities.

          8 · February 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch
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