Page 6 - The Wayne Dispatch
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Love, Continued from page 5        learn  to  accept  help  from  Stan.  “I
                                             like him being there and being the
          the time after that, she put gloves on.  husband I married.”
          They playfully bantered over whether  Stan is currently the President of
          there was a next time.             the  Wayne  Chamber  of  Commerce.
             Judith  shares  her  funny  story.  Judith helps out at the Chamber of-
          She was home with her mom mak-     fices  three  days  a  week.    In  April,
          ing chili. Stan said it was too hot be-  they will be celebrating 45 years of
          cause  she  had  poured  too  much  marriage.
          pepper  into  it.  Stan  looks  at  her
          while she is sharing her story. “Your  The Websters
          story’s not even right,” he says.     Councilman  Jeremiah  Webster
             The Shelton’s have been in busi-  met Amara in the fall of 2010 when
          ness  together  since  1989  running  they  both  worked  at  Walmart.  He
          J&S Portrait America Photography.  was working there while also work-  Jeremiah and Amara Webster became husband and wife in October 2014.   The Web-
          Judith says she once worked at JC  ing  as  the  property  manager  for  a  ster’s will be adding to their young family in May.
          Penney taking photos. She mentions  senior community high-rise, a job he  honeymoon.  The  kids  stayed  with  says.  “We’re  very  good  at  talking
          that she wanted to be a videographer  still has. Amara’s sister-in-law knew  their  parents  while  they  went  to  everything  out.  We’re  pretty  level-
          and took a class once. Stan got his  Jeremiah and arranged for them to  Frankenmuth for a few days.     headed and can talk through most
          first camera when he was 10 years  meet. They were friends for a while  On their 5th wedding anniversary  stuff.”  They have the same beliefs.
          old.                               and, it wasn’t until after Christmas  last October, Amara’s dad took the  “It’s easy when you both feel mutu-
             Judith had to take a step back in  that they went on their first date: din-  kids while she and Jeremiah went to  ally,” says Jeremiah.
          the business when she got sick with  ner and a movie. “We’ve been to a lot  dinner.                        Jeremiah  also  jokes,  “She  pats
          kidney issues and was in and out of  of  movies.  We  love  going  to  the  They  joke  about  how  he  locks  me on the head and says ‘That’s nice.
          the  hospital.  She  got  two  new  kid-  movies,” says Jeremiah.     himself out quite a bit. He once had  You’re wrong anyway.” He comments
          neys in 2015. She says Stan was al-   On the day after Christmas the  to call her from work because he had  that he has to check the home office
          ways right there. He was attentive to  following year, Amara discovered she  locked  himself  out  of  his  car.  She  before doing anything. “I’m not really
          her, not chasing other women. When  was pregnant with their son, Nolan.  had to drive to Taylor to rescue him.  the boss though,” Amara replies.
          she broke her leg, she says he was at-  When she and Jeremiah met, she al-  “She  never  lets  me  forget  it,”  he  The secret to their relationship is
          tentive then too. “He’s always protec-  ready had a daughter who was then  laughs.  He has also locked his keys  that they let things be equal. “I think
          tive.” She grew up an independent  1 ½.                               in  his  car  while  he  was  visiting  a  we’re just a little boring,” says Jere-
          young woman with parents who “en-     The  couple  became  engaged  on  friend in a cemetery.
          couraged speaking up.” She had to  Valentine’s Day 2013 and married in  “We don’t fight very often,” Amara               See Love, page 9
                                             October 2014. They say there was no

          6 · February 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch
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