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Veteran receives the first class of 2020 diploma

          By Carolyn Marnon
             Welcome  to  the  Class  of  2020
          Avery Hall!  A Korean War veteran,
          Avery  left  Wayne  Memorial  High
          School at the age of 17 to enlist in
          the Army. He had wanted to join the
          Army and go to Korea when he was
          just  16,  but  he  says  his  folks
          wouldn’t sign the papers. When he
          reached 17, he was off to serve his
          country in the armed forces.
             On  February  28,  Avery  Hall
          walked across the stage at Taft-Gal-
          loway Elementary School to loud ap-
          plause, which included many of his
          nieces and nephews and friends, a
          small  group  of  veterans,  Taft  stu-
          dents, the media, and other locals, to
          receive  his  long-awaited  diploma.
          While seated on the stage listening to
          the  accolades  being  rained  down
          upon  him,  Avery  would  toss  a
          thumbs  up  out  to  the  audience
          which was tossed back to him by his  Class of 2020 Graduate Mr. Avery Hall is an Army veteran who left Wayne Memorial High School when he was 17, before
          nephew Mitchell Beardon.           graduation, to serve in the Korean War and went on to serve in Vietnam, Germany, Alaska and Fort Sill. He is 84 years old and
             The  pomp  and  circumstance    currently resides in a veteran's home in Oklahoma. He grew up in, then, Nankin Township and went to Cady Elementary School
          were all attended to on this special
          day.  As  Wayne  Westland  School  in Westland in the early 1940s. He was presented with his high school diploma during a graduation ceremony on February 28,
          Board members, the Interim Super- 2020. Photo Wayne Westland Community Schools
          intendent Jill Simmons, Taft Princi-  half of the City of Wayne, your contri-  throughout your military career,” he  ing down upon him on his special
          pal Brandon Cox, WMHS Principal    butions making the United States of  said  as  he  expressed  gratitude  for  day, Avery could be seen kissing his
          James Anderson and Wayne Mayor     America the great country that it is  Mr. Hall’s sacrifices.         wife’s picture that appeared in the
          John Rhaesa stood on stage, Avery  today.” He went on to say “I think we  “When  I  talk  to  students  today  program  booklet.  Principal  Ander-
          Hall was assisted to the stage by his  can  all  honor  individuals  like  Mr.  about high school,” continued Princi-  son concluded with “You are the def-
          son, Wendell Hall, to “Pomp and Cir-  Hall through our deeds and not just  pal Anderson, “I talk about opportu-  inition of Wayne Pride.”
          cumstance,” the traditional gradua-  our words. How do you do that?  By  nity. It’s my belief our goal as a high  School  Board  President  David
          tion  walking  song.  The  Wayne   living our lives and enjoying Amer-  school is to prepare our students for  Cox  presented  Mr.  Hall  with  his
          Memorial High School JROTC Color   ica’s greatness. We can live our lives  the next opportunity in their lives, re-  diploma while stating that Avery was
          Guard  presented  the  National  Col-  and be good Americans that all vet-  gardless if it is the military, college,  the first in his class of 2020. After
          ors.                               erans  can  be  proud  to  know  that  a family business or going straight  being seated, Avery leaned over to In-
             “It is a privilege and an honor to  their sacrifices were not in vain. This  into  the  workforce.  Opportunities  terim Superintendent Jill Simmons
          have Mr. Avery Hall and his family  is  the  thanks  Americans  can  give,  are  unique.  Oftentimes,  they  only  and asked “Am I supposed to turn
          here today for this commencement   live your lives well as productive cit-  present themselves for a short time  my  hat?”  which  received  several
          ceremony,” exclaimed Taft Principal  izens should.” Upon completion of  before  they  are  missed.  I  cannot  chuckles from his family seated in
          Brendon Cox as he turned over the  Mayor  Rhaesa’s  speech,  Mr.  Hall  imagine how often you thought about  the audience.
          microphone  to  Wayne  Mayor  John  raised his arm and gave a thumbs  the  missed  opportunity  of  earning  Mr. Hall came to the podium and
          Rhaesa.                            up to the audience.                your high school diploma. I, along  spoke. He first addressed the chil-
             “Our nation owes a great debt to  “This  is  symbolic,”  said  WMHS  with the Wayne Westland Community  dren  of  Taft  Elementary  and  ex-
          its  veterans  whose  service  spans  Principal James Anderson. “This is  School  District,  are  proud  to  be  a  pressed the importance of staying in
          every  decade  and  continues  every  the 100th year for Wayne Memorial,  part of helping you achieve a missed  school and getting an education. “Be
          day  of  our  country’s  existence,”  so you are the first graduate of the  opportunity.”  After  speaking  about  on time for school, mind your class-
          Mayor Rhaesa began. “Through un-   class of 2020” he said as he turned  Mr. Hall’s career since his separation  room  and  school  rules  and,”  he
          told courage and sacrifice, America’s  to  Mr.  Avery  on  stage.  “It  is  our  from the service, Principal Anderson  chuckled,  “eat  well.”  He  thanked
          veterans  have  secured  the  liberty  honor to reunite with a proud mem-  added “It may have taken some time  everyone for being at the ceremony
          which the founding fathers sought to  ber of the Wayne Memorial commu-  and  a  lot  of  patience,  but  the  and  gave  a  special  shout-out  to
          establish here in the New World.” He  nity and finish the work that started  diploma  you  receive  today  will  be-  WWCSD  Administrative  Executive
          went on, “Let’s not forget the sacri-  so  many  years  ago.    However,  the  long to you. You earned it.” He also  Secretary Cheryl Watson for making
          fices veterans like Mr. Hall made for  first thing we need to do is thank Mr.  mentioned  the  sacrifice  Mr.  Hall’s  the event possible.
          all  of  us.  They  have  ensured  your  Hall for his dedication and service to  parents  made  of  not  being  able  to  As the ceremony concluded, Mr.
          right to travel freely all around this  our country. I am certain you made  watch  their  son  cross  the  stage.  Hall walked down the middle of the
          great country and around the world.  sacrifices  leaving  the  comforts  of  When  Principal  Anderson  spoke
          Mr. Hall, I want to thank you on be-  Wayne Memorial as a young man and  about Avery’s wife of 60 years look-      See Graduate, page 5
                                                                                                                  The Wayne Dispatch · March 2020 · 3
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