Page 5 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 5
GRADUATE, Continued from page 3
audience to “On You Zebras,” the
WMHS Fight Song. The audience
stood and clapped while Mr. Hall
waved and soaked up the admira-
tion of the students as he left the
Avery was born at 335 S. Wayne
Rd in what was then Nankin Town-
ship. The site was formerly the home
of Kmart and now boasts UHaul
rentals. His aunt and uncle also had
a home on the property which, he
said, was vast at the time. This was
also a time when Wayne and Cherry
Hill roads were both just gravel.
Cady Elementary School, which he
attended, stood kitty-corner to his Avery Hall with the love of his life,
home and is now where Bank of Aloisia.
America stands. He also attended ceremony has recharged his father.
Wayne Junior High School. He then went on to say that back
Although he had wanted to go to home in Oklahoma, Avery goes with
Korea, by the time he had finished friends to watch roller derby on Sat-
Advanced Artillery Training, the Ko- urday nights.
School Board President David Cox presents Avery Hall with his high school diploma rean War was winding down and he Since he left Wayne at the tender
at Taft Galloway Elementary School at the end of last month. was sent to Germany for three years. age of 17, Avery has been back here
He met a young German woman, in 2004 for the 50th reunion of the
Aloisia, while he was there. She be- Class of 1954, the one which he
came his wife; they were married a would have graduated with had he
few months shy of 60 years. Before not joined the Army, and for this cer-
retiring as Sargeant First Class from emony. He is amazed at the paved
the Army in 1973 at the age of 37, roads and how large the Wayne and
Avery had done four tours of duty in Westland are now.
Germany and one in Anchorage, Why was it so important to get
Alaska. his high school diploma? Avery says
Avery worked another 24 years he got his GED in 1962 while he was
as a facility manager for Lawton Pub- serving in Germany. His son and
lic Schools in Lawton, Oklahoma. daughter had diplomas, his siblings
Even though he now resides in a vet- had diplomas and a grandson is get-
eran’s retirement home in Lawton, ting a diploma in May. “I wanted to
he proudly proclaims that Wayne is make my grandsons happy. I’ve been
his home. His son, Wendell, says dreaming about it (getting his
that the planning of this graduation diploma) for years.”
The Wayne Dispatch · March 2020 · 5