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School district                                                                                         at the Wayne Public Library, 3737 S.
          calendar change                                                                                         Wayne Rd. The WBA believes team
             Due to the 2020 Presidential Pri-                                                                    sports  help  youth  gain  confidence,
          mary  Election,  there  will  be  no                                                                    learn  responsibility  and  become
                                                                                                                  leaders. Registration events will also
          school  at  Stottlemyer  Early  Child-                                                                  be  held  on  Thursdays  from  5:30-
          hood  Center  and  for  all  K-6  grade                                                                 7:30 p.m. on March 5, March 12 and
          students on Tuesday, March 10. Be-                                                                      March 26.
          cause  many  of  Wayne-Westland                                                                            Registrations taken after March
          schools  serve  as  polling  locations,                                                                 28, are by appointment only and are
          having school in session on election                                                                    subject  to  a  $10  late  fee.  Players
          day can be disruptive to the school                                                                     from all cities are welcome. You will
          environment  and  inhibits  normal                                                                      need  to  provide  a  copy  of  your
          safety protocols. Middle schools and                                                                    child’s birth certificate. For more in-
          high schools will be in session and                                                                     formation,  contact  WBA  at  (734)
          have  a  full  day  of  instruction  on                                                                 722-6400.
          March 10.

          Girls wanted for                                                                                        The parable project
          fastpitch softball                 Mayor John Rhaesa presents Class of 2020 Graduate Mr. Avery Hall a key to the  St. Mary Catholic Church, 34530
             The Wayne Baseball Association                                                                       W. Michigan Ave, would like to invite
          (WBA) is looking for girls born 2003-  city of Wayne.  Hall is 84 years old and currently resides in a veteran's home in Okla-  everyone to the event “The Parable
          2013 for Fastpitch Softball.  Regis- homa. Mayor Rhaesa thanked Mr. Hall for his service to our country and welcomed  Project: Take Two” from Magic Car-
          tration  will  be  held  at  the  Wayne  him back to his hometown. Photo Wayne Westland Community Schools  pet Theatre.  The show will be Mon-
                                                                                                                  day,  March  16,  at  6:00  p.m.  This
          Public Library, 3737 S. Wayne Rd.
          on Thursdays, March 5 and 12, from  event is hosted by the Wayne Histori-  cash bar, food available for purchase,  engaging, lively, and interactive per-
                                                                                                                  formance  will  inspire  everyone  to
          5:30-7:30  p.m.  and  on  Saturdays,  cal Society.                    50/50  raffles  and  fun.  Tickets  are
          March 14 and 28, from 12:30-2:30                                      $20  each.  Proceeds  will  benefit  spread the Good News in their lives.
          p.m. There will also be a special reg-  Ghost hunt                    Wayne Memorial High School Rotary  There is no charge to attend, and no
                                                                                                                  tickets are required.
          istration  on  Thursday,  March  19,  The Great Lakes Ghost Hunters   College  Scholarships.  Doors  will
                                                                                                                     The  Parable  Project:  Take  Two
          from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Mark Chevro-  invite you to join them for a ghost  open at 6:30 p.m. with show starting  features humor, improvisation and
          let,  33200  Michigan  Ave.  Players  hunt  in  Wayne’s  140  year  old  mu-  at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available at
          from all cities are welcome.       seum on Friday, March 13. Tickets  Henry’s Service Center, Kurt’s Cap  audience  participation  that  brings
                                                                                                                  the Gospel message to life in a cre-
                                             are $20 for a one-hour spot between  and  HYPE.  For  more  information,  ative and fun way. This new show fea-
          Airport historian gives            8:00 p.m. and midnight. Contact the  contact  Linda  Gable  at  (734)  751-  tures nine parables that will help you
          talk about female pilots           Wayne Historical Museum for tickets.   2302 or email  experience the love of God. The audi-
             Detroit  Metro  Airport  historian                                                                   ence  helps  to  create  the  storm  in
          Daniel Mason will talk about the 107  Dueling piano party             Baseball and                      “The Wise Builder,” makes their best
          female pilots who flew aircraft in and  Wayne Rotary Club presents their  softball registration         fish  face  in  “The  Net”  and  is  de-
          out of what is now Detroit Metro Air-  annual  St.  Paddy’s  Dueling  Piano  The Wayne Baseball Association  lighted by song and pantomime in
          port  during  a  presentation,  The  Party on Saturday, March 14, at 7:30  (WBA) will be hosting registration for  “The Lost Coin” and “The Merchant
          W.A.S.P. of Romulus Army Airfield,  p.m. Held at HYPE Western Wayne   baseball and softball players for the  Searching."
          on Thursday, March 12, at 7:00 p.m.  Center, 4635 Howe, this evening of  2020 season on Saturday, March 14
          at  the  Wayne  Public  Library.  The  musical  entertainment  includes  a  and March 28, from 12:30-2:30 p.m.        See Briefs, page 12

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