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29th district court judge retires after 16 years
By Carolyn Marnon “I also plan to volunteer my time
After 15 years on the bench serv- to help mental health courts through-
ing the people of Wayne, 29th Dis- out the state,” she says, “including
trict Court Judge Laura Mack has the Western Wayne County Regional
retired effective March 1. Behavioral Treatment Court that I
Judge Mack was appointed to the started at the 29th District Court 6
bench by Governor Jennifer years ago. It is very important to me
Granholm on January 12, 2004 to that the treatment court continues. I
replace Judge Carolyn Archbold who would also help my successor con-
retired at the end of 2003. In 2004, tinue the other programs I started,
the voters affirmed Judge Mack at such as the Truancy Diversion Pro-
the polls to serve the remainder of gram, the Eviction Diversion Pro-
Judge Archbold’s term that ended in gram, juvenile jurisdiction, the Teen
2006. In 2006, Judge Mack was Court program, Law Day and Consti-
elected to a full six-year term fol- tution Day activities at local schools,
lowed by re-elections in 2012 and and the informal internship pro-
2018. gram.”
“Because I am in the middle of my Until a replacement judge has
term,” Judge Mack explained, “Gov- been named by Governor Whitmer
ernor Whitmer will appoint my re- for the 29th District, the court is
placement. Any replacement must be using visiting judges.
a lawyer in good standing who lives “It’s been a pleasure serving the
in Wayne and who has at least five people of Wayne for over 16 years,
years of experience as a lawyer. That Judge Laura Mack says Judge Mack, “and I am looking
person would then be required to be forward to the next chapter.”
on the ballot in 2020 to be affirmed She will also be available to serve 16 years of experience, I have valu- And what will she do in her spare
by the voters. If elected in November, as a visiting judge for local courts. able insights into these problems, time? “I am also looking forward to
my replacement would serve until In July, she will take over as Presi- and I am looking forward to assist- exercising regularly and learning
the end of my current term, 2024.” dent of the Wayne Rotary Club. ing and traveling with my husband.” yoga!”
Although she is retiring, Judge “I am committed to ending stigma
Mack does not plan to relax. She is and helping people with substance
a director of Families Against Nar- use disorders and mental illnesses
cotics NW Wayne Chapter, the Wayne stay out of the criminal justice sys-
100 Club and the Michigan Associa- tem by securing the treatment they
tion of Treatment Court Profession- need. My husband, Milt Mack, is
als. She plans to maintain her also deeply committed to this ideal.
memberships in the State-spon- Milt is on a task force with state
sored Mental Health Court Advisory court administrators, chief justices
Committee, the Wayne County Jail and community mental health pro-
Diversion project, the Michigan Di- fessionals throughout the country to
version Council Incompetent to re-write civil commitment and foren-
Stand Trial Workgroup, the Wayne sic laws to more effectively and hu-
County District Judges Association manely deal with people suffering
and the Michigan District Judges As- from mental illness in the court sys-
sociation. tems. As a district court judge with
6 · March 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch