Page 13 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 13
High school sweethearts give back to community
By Carolyn Marnon
Giving back has always been high
on their list of priorities, so when
Murray and Bernice Millar both died,
several organizations in Wayne were
the recipients of the Millar’s trust
Murray and Bernice (nee’
Greenawalt) Millar were longtime
residents of Wayne. They met while
attending Wayne High School, be-
came high school sweethearts and
graduated in 1946. After marrying in
1949, they became involved in vari-
ous community organizations. The
couple lived on Elm Street for over
30 years.
Murray began practicing law in
the late 1950s. He co-founded the
firm Millar, Weinberg, Necker and
Johnson with Richard Weinberg.
The firm anchored the legal commu-
nity in the western Detroit suburbs.
He retired from the law practice in
1990. High school sweethearts Murray and Bernice (nee’ Greenawalt) Millar were longtime residents of Wayne who met while attending
Murray served for many years on
the Downtown Development Author- Wayne High School.
ity (DDA) and was a member of the Garden Club. Both were part of the the most substantial donation from High Schools Alumni Association
Wayne 100, a charitable organization Wayne Couples Club. Both loved to the Bernice and Murray Millar Trust. have also recently received generous
that makes annual contributions to fly and were pilots. It is thought they Murray had been a member of the donations from the trust fund. At
needy individuals and groups. Ber- transferred bodies for Uht Funeral Wayne Rotary since 1960. He was a this time, only Murray Millar’s estate
nice was active with the Wayne Plan- Home by air, when needed. past-President and a Paul Harris Fel- has been finalized. Murray died in
ning Commission and the Wayne The Wayne Rotary has received low. He loved attending the Rotary 2011. Bernice died December 2019;
lunches and cherished his relation- her estate has not yet been com-
ships with other Rotarians. He was pleted. More donations are expected
also active in the Wayne Christmas after it has been settled.
Parade and chicken barbeques spon- Murray and Bernice “were very
sored by the Rotary. prominent people around the com-
The Millars never had children of munity and loved Wayne,” said attor-
their own. They were, however, ney Ron Ruark, who is handling
blessed with nieces and nephews their estate. “They were enthusiastic
who were also beneficiaries of the about leaving a large part of their es-
trust fund. Both left half their estates tate to Wayne…They will be thrilled
to Wayne charities. to know how the city will use the
The Wayne Historical Society, the money and make the city even better
Wayne Public Library and the Wayne for the citizens.”
The Wayne Dispatch · September 2020 · 13