Page 12 - The Wayne Dispatch
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FAMILY, Continued from page 3
marihuana business in Wayne to
start selling recreational marihuana
You're invited to help clean and ures. The event is 1:00-3:00 p.m. August 16, and according to Scott,
straighten Shafer Park in Wayne, This is an outdoor walking tour, so the only one actively selling. It is also
Michigan on Saturday, September please dress appropriately. Dona- the closest cannabis business to the
12, 9:00 a.m. until noon. There tions will be gratefully accepted. airport.
will be light weed pulling, raking and The consultants are impressive
picking up of trash. It's a great way Oct. 8, 7:00 p.m. with their knowledge. I was even
to enjoy the outdoors here in Wayne The History of Eloise more impressed by their educations.
and spend time with neighbors and Tyler Moll will present the history Liam is finishing his Masters degree
friends! Long-sleeved shirts, long of this infamous hospital, poorhouse in Accounting at Michigan State.
pants and gloves are recommended. and asylum at 7:00 p.m. at the Hanna just graduated with a Bache- Hanna Gocaj, Vice President, waits on a
If you have rakes, brooms and other Wayne Public Library. lors degree in Communications from customer curside.
light gardening tools please bring MSU. Doug is also finishing a Mas- says they are building the inventory.
them along. Oct. 17, 4:00 p.m. ters degree in Business. “We’re not a Hanna, Scott’s daughter, worked
Witches Brew Tea bunch of potheads,” he asserts. at a cannabis dispensary in Lansing.
Peter Pumpkinhead’s Workshop A haunted tea party at the Wayne There are weekly business meetings She’s an advocate for the medical
is heading to Notre Dame Hall in Historical Museum will feature sev- in finance and marketing. The num- marihuana community as she saw
Wayne on October 3, 10:00 a.m.- eral Wayne characters in a spooky ber one focus is on customer experi- how it helped people with cancers or
5:00 p.m. Free for kids of all ages, setting. Event is at 4:00 p.m. Tickets ence. who suffered from pain-related in-
there will be fall and Halloween are $35 may be purchased ahead of Safety and security are also top juries. She feels blessed that she is
crafts to make. There will also be time. concerns. The building is reinforced. able to work with her father in the
candy. The Notre Dame Hall, 3144 S. There is 24-hour armed security li- family business. “The cannabis in-
Wayne Rd will also be offering $3 Oct. 24, 8:00-11:34 p.m. censed, bonded and insured by the dustry has evolved a lot,” she said.
Meal Deals! Ghost Hunt at the Museum State of Michigan. Scott has stepped away from US
Join the Great Lakes Ghost Scott said the City of Wayne deter- 12 Bar and Grill in Wayne, the busi-
The Wayne Historical Society Hunters as they hunt for paranormal mines the hours MF can be open. ness his parents started decades ago
has announced a number of pro- activity in the 140-year-old Wayne Currently, it’s open Monday through and which is now being run by his
grams coming up later this year. Historical Museum. A one-hour spot Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and brother, John Goci, who also main-
Add these to your calendar now and is $25. Sundays Noon to 8:00 p.m. With fast, tains a real estate business. Scott is
watch this column for further infor- efficient and friendly service, you can making MF his main focus and work-
mation. Nov. 12, 7:00 p.m. have the products that will meet ing hard to grow his own family busi-
Sept. 10, 7:00 p.m. Blacksmithing: Bert Green Story your needs quickly. As the business ness.
NorWayne-A Planned Community Learn about Bert Green and what grows, Scott assures me “I’m going MF has a program called Bud Ge-
Hank Johnson of the Norwayne life was like as one of Wayne’s last to spoil my team.” Mention is play- nius. You can book an appointment
Citizens Commission will be the blacksmiths. You will also learn how fully made of Italy where employees online with a Bud Genius and learn
guest speaker presenting the history the company continues today. have 2-hour lunches and paid vaca- more about marihuana and the vari-
of Norwayne. tions. ous products. Scott and his team are
Dec. 5, 6:00-9:00 p.m. The State tracks everything, so eager to educate anyone who wants
Oct. 4, 1:00-3:00 p.m. Holiday Night at the Museum Scott says the business has to be ac- to learn more. He wants to eradicate
Annual Cemetery Walk Come out and see Santa, get countable for all their product. The the stigma that marihuana has and
This year’s cemetery walk will be cookies and hot chocolate, and join State can do unannounced visits knowledge is key to that.
at Westlawn Cemetery and will high- in the Christmas cheer as the town twice a year. They can look at any- “Our mission is to ensure our pa-
light several local families and fig- Christmas tree is lit. thing, he says “because we have noth- tients have the finest cannabis expe-
ing to hide!” He doesn’t have as many rience by combining top grade
Wayne’s oldest resident turns 110 options available of recreational mar- products with our friendly and
ihuana as he does medical, but he knowledgeable team members.”
Winifred Nichols is still Wayne’s bad” back then and that she almost
oldest known resident. The resident died. He said she still has scars on
of Maple Manor celebrated her her lungs from that time. “She went
110th birthday on August 18 to through that when she was 8-years
much less fanfare than she has been old on the farm.”
used to. The family was able to see
COVID-19 has caused reduced Winifred on her birthday, but it was
access to nursing homes, so from afar. They stood in the gazebo
Winifred’s family has not been able while her doctor wheeled her outside
to visit her. Her granddaughter, and stayed by her side. She was bun-
Susan Patterson, said that this is the dled up and had a mask on, but they
second pandemic Winifred has lived couldn’t come close.
through. The Spanish Flu of 1918 Maria at Maple Manor calls
occurred when Winifred was just a Emery once a week and puts his
young girl, 8 years old. mom on the phone. If she’s feeling
Winifred’s son, Emery Nichols, well, Emery says, she might say a
said that his mother had the flu “real few words.
12 · September 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch