Page 14 - The Wayne Dispatch
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Student helping students

          By Carolyn Marnon                  aware of what supplies a student has
             “Shaping the community’s small-  access to.
          est  hands  to  do  great  things”  has  “My  inspiration  for  doing  this
          been the driving force for Wayne Me-  project again was so I could continue
          morial  High  School  senior  Brooke  helping the community as much as I
          Johnson.  Brooke started Commu-    possibly can. I love creating a change
          nity Circle as a force for change after  and helping others. This is just one
          she attended the Civitan Youth Lead-  way I can help,” wrote Brooke in an
          ership and Diversity Conference in  email.
          Indiana in the summer of 2019. She    Brooke  had  the  support  of  the
          came home and began collecting for  community.  The  Amazon  wish  list
          her first project-school supplies for  she created brought a steady flow of
          the  upper  and  lower  elementary  needed  supplies  throughout  her
          school teachers in the Wayne West-  campaign.  “I  think  it  was  because
          land district.                     people  felt  safer  shopping  online,  Wayne Memorial High School senior Brooke Johnson spent her summer rounding up
             Brooke  was  busy  this  summer  rather  than  going  out  to  do  their
          rounding up donations for her latest  shopping themselves,” said Brooke.  donations for her latest back-to-school project.
          back-to-school project. Supplies in- “We were also blessed with donors  need within the community if they  fore heading off to college. She’d like
          cluded  pencils,  crayons,  markers,  who  sent  money  to  sponsor  a  stu-  messaged/commented to me on Face-  to attend Eastern Michigan Univer-
          scissors,  glue  sticks,  highlighters,  dent.  When  they  sponsored  a  stu-  book.”                  sity. “My goal would be to study Busi-
          rulers and pencil boxes. This year,  dent,  I  did  the  shopping  for  the  “My biggest challenge this year,”  ness  Management  in  hopes  to
          she  has  donated  the  stuffed  back-  supplies  for  that  student’s  bag.”  she  continues,  “was  the  negative  expand my knowledge in Non-Profits
          packs to the Family Resource Center  Brooke requested $15 donations to  comments  that  I  received  towards  so I can grow Community Circle to
          where the bags will then be distrib-  sponsor a filled backpack on a Go-  the  beginning  of  the  campaign.  It  be its own legal non-profit so we can
          uted to students in need. Because of  FundMe page for Community Circle.  knocked  my  spirits  down  when  it  reach more students and families in
          the COVID-19 pandemic, it was un-     Brooke was able to deliver 210  happened,  but  I  got  back  up  and  need in the years to come. I am al-
          known  what  the  new  school  year  backpacks  filled  with  school  sup-  used it as a learning tool.”  ways thinking of ways I can give back
          would look like. If teachers were not  plies to the Family Resource Center.  Brooke  is  looking  forward  to  to  the  community,  so  if  the  need
          at  school  directly  interacting  with  In addition, Brooke says “We were  Summer 2021 when she will do her  arises, I could be doing something
          their  students,  they  might  not  be  able  to  bring  bags  to  students  in  3rd annual school supplies drive be-  before next year. Stay tuned.”

          14 · September 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch
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