Page 11 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 11

Scarecrows are serious business in Wayne

          By Carolyn Marnon
             Scarecrows are serious business
          in  downtown  Wayne  during  the
          month of October. Families, organi-
          zations and businesses gather their
          supplies and imaginations and cre-
          ate a gallery of characters to parade
          up and down Wayne Rd. and Michi-
          gan Ave. in the downtown core.
             Wayne Main Street sponsors this
          annual event. There is a voting con-
          test on Facebook,
          an  in-person  vot-
          ing contest and a
          Judges’   Choice
             You  can  regis-
          ter   from   now
          until  September
          21.  Call  Wayne
          Main  Street  at
          734-629-6822  to                   ahead of time. If you already have a  Facebook  voting  will  take  place  Once  the  Scarecrow  Show  has
          sign up. The cost                  frame from a past year, the cost to  September 28 through October 17.  ended, you will be able to take down
          is $20 if you need                 sign up is only $15.                 Wayne Main Street will host their  your scarecrow if you would like to
          a  frame  to  build                   On September 26, you will drop  Annual  Scarecrow  Reception  from  keep  it  and/or  the  frame.  The  last
          your  scarecrow                    off  your  finished  scarecrow  at  the  Noon-3:00 p.m. in Derby’s Alley. Par-  day to take down your scarecrow will
          on.  You  will  be                 Wayne  Historical  Museum.  If  you  ticipants  will  be  able  to  cast  their  be November 6. If you don’t retrieve
          able  to  pick  up                 need  to  drop  off  early,  please  call  vote for the in-person contest. Win-  your scarecrow, Wayne Main Street
          the frame by call-                 during office hours to make an ap-  ners will be announced at 7:00 p.m.  volunteers will take it down and dis-
          ing  or  emailing                  pointment.                         Cider and donuts will be served.  assemble it.

                                                                                                             The Wayne Dispatch · September 2020 · 11
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