Page 3 - The Wayne Dispatch
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Local family plants another business in Wayne

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                                                       products  available.  As  I  browsed
             Prior  to  the  20th  century,                                                                       over  the  recreational  side  of  the
          cannabis was found in pharmacies                                                                        room,  I  was  seeing  products  like
          to relieve migraines and various pain                                                                   crispy rice squares, brownies, choco-
          conditions.  Many  online  resources                                                                    late chip cookies, caramels, mints,
          state  that  problems  with  cannabis                                                                   gummies. All items were in sealed
          started in the early 1900s when the                                                                     packages. There were several rows
          US had an influx of Mexican immi-                                                                       of clear jars containing what looked
          grants.  These  immigrants  brought                                                                     to  the  untrained  eye  like  dried  up
          with them their culture and customs,                                                                    clover flowers. These were referred
          one  of  which  was  smoking  mari-                                                                     to  as  flowers,  or  buds.  My  eyes
          huana. Law enforcement officials in                                                                     landed  on  a  jar  marked  Stuffed
          Texas thought marihuana incited vi-                                                                     French Toast. The flowers are the #1
          olent crime in users and that the im-                                                                   seller.
          migrants  were  distributing  it  to                                                                       Did  you  know  you  can  buy
          American schoolchildren. By 1931,                                                                       peanut  butter  and  butter  infused
          at least 29 states had outlawed the                                                                     with cannabis? A small jar of either
          Jekyll and Hyde drug. The American                                                                      retails for $16.
          Medical Association is said to have                                                                        Like  alcohol  consumption,  the
          objected to the illegalization because                                                                  tolerance level for each individual is
          of the plant’s medicinal benefits.                                                                      different. For a first timer, it is rec-
             Michigan’s  Finest,  located  at                                                                     ommended that one start with a light
          39112 Van Born Rd in Wayne, is the                                                                      potency flower or perhaps a gummy.
          first cannabis company I have ever                                                                      Cut  the  gummy  into  quarters  and
          been  to.  I  was  to  meet  the  owner,                                                                start with just one quarter. You can
          Scott Gocaj, a longtime Wayne busi-                                                                     then add another quarter as your tol-
          nessman whose family has overseen                                                                       erance level builds up.
          the US 12 Bar and Grill for decades,                                                                       Evelyn, one of the Cannabis Con-
          to tour his brand-new business. Lo-                                                                     sultants, informed me that edibles
          cated off a gravel road alongside Van                                                                   were dangerous for a first timer. It
          Born,  there  were  plenty  of  signs                                                                   can take 45 minutes or longer for the
          along the road to guide me in.     Scott Gocaj, with his daughter Hanna and wife Rachel are proud to receive the first  cannabis to activate in one’s system
             As I pulled into the parking lot, I                                                                  and if you’re not feeling anything, you
          was greeted by Rico, a uniformed se-  Recreational marihuana license in the City of Wayne.              might consume more. She likened it
          curity professional. He asked the rea-  order  and  fills  it  for  pick-up.  Be-  I wondered out loud why the med-  to pharmaceutical drugs that have
          son for my visit and then directed  cause of COVID-19, all business is  ical and the recreational had to be  time-lapse  properties.  The  worse
          me  to  a  designated  parking  spot.  conducted online or with a consult-  separated.  If both were now legal in  that would happen in the case of in-
          There is one area for medical mari-  ant armed with an iPad at the cus-  Michigan,  what  difference  did  that  gesting  too  much  marihuana,  she
          huana customers and one for recre-  tomer’s car window. The Cannabis  make? Apparently, it makes a lot of  laughed, was that you would become
          ational  customers.  The  one-story  Consultants are all “tried and true  difference. Customers who use mar-  a couch potato and get lots of rest.
          grey  building  is  well-maintained  experts” in cannabis products and  ihuana  medically  can  save  money,  The flower, on the other hand, tends
          amidst  the  undeveloped  land  that  can help customers make selections  but there is also more state regula-  to provide a psychoactive reaction in
          surrounds the business. Scott’s ar-  to fit their needs.              tion over it. Doug says the business  10-15 minutes.
          rival was delayed, but Doug Rose, Di-  There  are  several  monitors  has to obtain more information from  I was told about a gentleman in
          rector  of  Operations,  and  Hanna  throughout the building that display  these customers than they do from  his late 70s who stopped eating due
          Gocaj, Vice President, came out to  what is going on in various areas of  the  recreational  users.  Because  of  to kidney failure. He was given edi-
          welcome me and invited me inside.  the business, one of the safety fea-  state  regulation,  medical  products  bles which activated his appetite to
             As  I  stepped  inside  the  door,  I  tures throughout the facility. Every  cannot be bagged with recreational;  eat again. “It helps different people
          was immediately drawn to the large  time the front door opens, there’s a  they have to be kept separated.  with different ailments in this world,”
          TV  and  the  fireplace  in  the  lobby.  loud bell that keeps everyone aware  I  asked  what  an  average  buy  said Scott.
          Employees dressed in matching MF   of comings and goings.             would  be.  I  was  told  it  really  de-  The process Scott and Doug have
          t-shirts  and  black  pants  were  en-  When  we  walked  into  the  retail  pended  on  the  type  of  customer.  set up at MF is very simple. Doug is
          gaged in various activities-folding t-  sales  room,  my  first  thought  was  There  are  those  who  purchase  for  proud they were able to copy other
          shirts,  filling  orders,  handling  “This is an adult candy store!” Pack-  daily use. There are those who pur-  smart  businesspeople  and  make
          payments and staying busy. All were  ages were neatly hung on the walls  chase based on a certain budgeted  those  ideas  work  for  Michigan’s
          wearing masks to protect each other  with space between each item so you  amount.  There  are  senior  citizens  Finest.    Doug  likened  it  to  the
          from COVID-19.                     could easily make out what you were  suffering from chronic pain who may  processes that Amazon uses to move
             Doug showed me the office where  looking at. Doug explained that one  place  an  order  once  a  week  for  its  products.  MF  has  been  open
          Ashley  was  waiting  for  orders  to  wall and glass cabinet held all the  enough  to  get  them  through  the  since July 10 selling medical mari-
          come up on an iPad nearby. Once an  medical cannabis products while the  week.  There is more consistency to  huana  only.  It  is  the  first  licensed
          order comes in, she will make sure  other wall, not nearly as large, held  purchasing on the medical side.
          a  Cannabis  Consultant  gets  the  the recreational products.          I  was  amazed  at  the  variety  of         See Family, page 12
                                                                                                              The Wayne Dispatch · September 2020 · 3
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