Page 6 - The Wayne Dispatch
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The  former  BJ’s  Kitchen  on                                                                          Grewal Trucking was given ap-
          Wayne Rd has a new owner and is                                                                         proval by the Wayne City Council
          undergoing  renovations.  We  will                                                                      to  utilize  vacant  land  along  An-
          keep you updated as more informa-                                                                       napolis  as  a  truck  terminal.  The
          tion becomes available.                                                                                 company is planning to pave the va-
                                                                                                                  cant land to use for truck parking.
             The  Westland  Planning  Com-                                                                        They also plan to build a 400 sq. ft.
          mission  recently  approved  the                                                                        building on the site. Some time in
          plan  to  split  the  16-acre  Eloise                                                                   the future, a 6400 sq. ft building will
          property into five separate parcels.                                                                    also be constructed.
          The redeveloped property could in-
          clude a hotel and event space.                                                                             Gleaners   Community     Food
                                                                                                                  Bank is holding free food distribu-
             Congratulations to Lt. Andrew                                                                        tions  at  Maplewood  Community
          McKay who retired from the Wayne                                                                        Center, 31735 Maplewood St, Gar-
          Police Department after 23 years                                                                        den City. The next date is September
          of  service.  Lt.  McKay  has  served                                                                   16 from 2:30-4:30 p.m. Families and
          Wayne    as   Police   Lieutenant,                                                                      individuals in need of food are en-
          Firearms Instructor, Taser Instruc-                                                                     couraged to attend this drive-up dis-
          tor, Evidence Technician, Accredita- Congratulations to Tyler Xuereb, winner of the 2020 Wayne Police Department Schol-  tribution which includes 30 pounds
          tion Manager, and many other duties.  arship. Tyler recently graduated from Wayne Memorial High School and will be pur-  of  groceries.  Items  could  include
          Lt. McKay is well known for his com-                                                                    milk,  fresh  fruits,  vegetables,  lean
          mitment to service, his family, and  suing a degree in Criminal Justice from Michigan State University. The Wayne Police  protein and other shelf-stable items.
          his fellow officers. Prior to serving at  Department Scholarship was started by Carolyn Strutz, widow of beloved police de-  You  will  stay  in  your  vehicle;  gro-
          the  Wayne  Police  Department,  Lt.  partment maintenance man, Sam Strutz. The scholarship is designated for Wayne  ceries will be placed in your trunk.
          McKay worked at the Wayne County   Memorial High School students pursuing higher education in the criminal justice field.  No appointment is needed. You do
          Sheriff’s Department, and served in                                                                     not need proof of eligibility or identi-
          the United States Marine Corps.    The scholarship is entirely funded by donations. Tyler received $1,000 toward his  fication to receive food.
                                             studies at Michigan State University.                                               See Briefs, page 12

          6 · September 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch
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