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Officer of the Year Michael Bolton with his girl friend Delani Derr and their son Owen.
2019 Wayne Police
Officer of the Year
By Carolyn Marnon and home invasions. He is a positive
Keeping his community and fel- role model with his passion for law
low officers safe is the goal Officer enforcement and keeping the com-
Michael Bolton has when he arrives munity safe.
to work at the Wayne Police Depart- “I felt it was an honor and a privi-
ment for his shifts. Hired in Novem- lege to be voted Officer of the Year by
ber 2016, Officer Bolton has recently my peers. I couldn’t have done it
received the distinguished title of without my co-workers and com-
2019 Police Officer of the Year. He ex- mand staff,” said Officer Bolton.
emplifies the core values of the po- “We’re definitely lucky to have Of-
lice department and has a dedicated ficer Bolton in our department,” said
work ethic. Wayne Police Chief Ryan Strong. “He
Currently assigned to Road Pa- epitomizes a hardworking officer
trol, Officer Bolton is also a Field who cares about keeping the commu-
Training Officer. During 2019, he nity safe. He’s just a really good,
made numerous arrests for serious hardworking officer, and we’re lucky
crimes, including weapons offenses to have him,” praised Chief Strong.
The Wayne Dispatch · September 2020 · 7