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New library program provides homework help
By Carolyn Marnon but they also offer a lot of resources
No one knew as we rang in the for adults, like help with resume
new decade at midnight on January writing and interview preparation.”
1 the incredible upheaval that would was started back in
enter our lives just three months 1998 when a small group of educa-
later. COVID-19 changed the way our tion and tech professionals had the
students would study and learn dur- idea to use the internet to connect
ing a crazy and unknown time. students with tutors who were avail-
Now it is 6 months after schools able anytime, anywhere. They cre-
closed their doors. The 2020/21 ated one of the first online,
school year is upon us. How can we interactive classrooms.
help our students strive and succeed To sign up, students can visit the
in this new world of on-line learning Wayne Public Library website at
and remote school? Students will need
The Wayne Public Library re- a Wayne Public Library card number
cently announced that it is offering The Wayne Public Library is offering offering, a program that provides and PIN. Jody says “Normally chil-, a program that provides dren would have to come to the li-
homework help, test preparation homework help, test preparation and writing assistance. brary with their parents to get a
and writing assistance. Best of all, it pertise in their respective subject Per the website, “ offers library card, but during the pan-
is free to access for anyone with a matter and has passed a third-party expert, on-demand tutoring in more demic we have started offering tem-
Wayne library card! background check. With more than than 200 subjects including core ac- porary digital cards so Wayne
According to the web- 100,000 prospective tutor appli- ademic areas of math, science, com- residents can access our digital re-
site, “Our mission is to help every cants each year, an average of only puter literacy, computer science, sources from home. To apply for a
learner first realize and then reach 1.5% of those applicants even qualify nursing & allied health, English, digital card, you can go through the
their full potential.” The one-on-one as tutors. writing, social sciences & studies, link on our website or go directly to
learning solutions come via provides 24-hour serv- foreign languages, business, and professionals who have ice, 7 days a week. The exceptions ACT®, AP®, PSAT®, SAT®, GED ®, tration/wayn/pReg.html. If people
been rigorously tested and vetted. are New Years Day, Fourth of July, HiSET®, TASC®, and U.S. citizen- have any trouble signing up, they can
Each tutor has a demonstrated ex- Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day. ship test preparation areas.” contact the library via email
Because of the pandemic, more ( or phone
people are using e-resources (734-721-7832) and we'll be happy
through the library. The library has to help them get started!”
been allocating more of its budget “You do need to reside in the City
this year to digital content. “I think of Wayne and have a Wayne Public Li- will be a valuable re- brary card in order to access
source,” says Wayne Library Director through the Wayne Public
Jody Wolak, “because of the one-on- Library,” Jody continues. “For those
one interaction that learners have people who are interested in
with tutors. Having real-time, two- but who don't live in the
way communication can be such a City of Wayne, I'd encourage them to
benefit when trying to understand check with their home library to see
new concepts. I also really like the what resources that library offers.”
variety of subjects that of- Because charges libraries
fers help with. They have tutors for based on their legal service area, the
the traditional subjects that you'd ex- Wayne library can only offer the pro-
pect in primary and secondary gram to residents of the City of
school (Math, Science, English, etc.) Wayne.
The Wayne Dispatch · September 2020 · 5