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Community faces increased winter tax bill

          By Carolyn Marnon                     “We still have a significant imbalance between retirees and full-time   the totality of the contribution that
             It’s  no  secret  that  the  City  of                                                                the City has to make, the employee
          Wayne  has  had  financial  problems  employees paying into the system, and that’s been a lot of the problem.”   portion is really a drop in the bucket.
          for the past 10 years or so. While the            City Manager Lisa Nocerini                            It  is  a  small  fraction  of  the  total
          City  once  was  a  shining  gem  with                                                                  amount that has to be paid in,” said
          summer festivals and fireworks, all  sons,  the  City’s  pension  obligation  lected from the City’s taxpayers will  Camiller.  “At  the  end  of  the  day,
          of that, and more, has been cut from  rose significantly in the last 12 years,  be paid directly to MERS.  MERS  still  needs  a  significant
          the budget to the point where there  from approximately $1.8 million in  The judgment levy is only for the  amount of money.”  He went on to
          really isn’t anything more to cut. Rev-  2010 to a projected $7.2 million for  current fiscal year. In January 2021,  say that the employee contributions
          enues have fallen drastically as a re-  2022.                         the  City  will  begin  evaluating  the  are a factor, but they aren’t the pri-
          sult of the Great Recession of 2008,  The recession caused the City to  budget for the next fiscal year begin-  mary factor. “The primary factor is
          and now residents are paying a price.  lose  close  to  45%  of  its  tax  base  ning July 1, 2021.     the  benefits  that  were  given  to  re-
             The City Finance Department re-  which it has not recovered from. The  “If you want to stop this from hap-  tirees back in 2008 or 2009 when
          cently sent out a Winter 2020 Judg-  Michigan  state  legislature  has  cho-  pening   again,”   advised   Brian  the City left its old pension system
          ment  Tax  Levy  Notice  to  residents  sen not to pay local governments bil-  Camiller of Plante Moran at the De-  and joined MERS.”
          and businesses. Back in April, the  lions of dollars of revenue sharing  cember 1 city council meeting, “you  In 2009, 30 individuals took the
          city council held a special study ses-  that’s  been  owed  over  the  past  20  could do a 345 (millage). It could be  early  retirement  that  was  offered.
          sion where they discussed the City’s  years.                          for a couple 2, 3, 4 mills and that  The city council that was in place at
          retirement pension obligation with a  The City of Wayne was unable to  would bolster your budget every year  that time had voted unanimously in
          representative  from  the  Municipal  pay  100%  of  what  was  owed  to  going forward and possibly stave off  February 2009 to increase the retire-
          Employees’   Retirement   System   MERS this year. The City does not  the situation from happening again.”  ment  multiplier  from  2.7  to  2.8.
          (MERS).                            have a choice whether to make the    “We still have a significant imbal-  That  increased  multiplier  cost  the
             During  the  Great  Recession  of  payment or not. It is an obligation  ance between retirees and full-time  City,   according   to   Nocerini,
          2008, city employees were offered a  mandated by law in Michigan.     employees  paying  into  the  system,  $1,231,648.  She  said  newly  hired
          higher pension if they would retire   MERS sued the City for breach of  and that’s been a lot of the problem,”  employees are now accepting a 1.5
          early.  As  a  result  of  the  added  re-  contract  in  Wayne  County  Circuit  said City Manager Lisa Nocerini.  multiplier.
          tirees  into  the  retirement  system,  Court  for  $4,753,409.  The  court  “When it comes to your pension
          long-term investment returns being  mandated  that  the  judgment  be  system, the employee contributions,  If you have any questions, you are
          lower than expected and longer life  placed on the Winter tax rolls. 100%  while they are significant to the indi-  encouraged to call the City for more
          expectancies,  as  well  as  other  rea-  of the 13.1399 millage revenues col-  vidual employee, no question, but in  information at 734-722-2000.

          14 · December 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch
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