Page 11 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 11
New face at city council meetings
By Carolyn Marnon “As a City Council member,
The Wayne City Council looked a
little different at the November 17 I hope to achieve the
city council meeting. Gone was for- admiration and respect of
mer councilman Jeremiah Webster
(who did not run in the latest elec- my fellow citizens by carrying
tion) and in his place was newly
elected councilman Alfred Brock. out my duties to the best of
If you don’t already know Alfred,
let’s change that. my abilities for the better-
Alfred lives in Wayne. He’s a very ment of everyone who is
active volunteer wearing many hats.
He volunteers with Gleaners Com- fortunate to live with us.”
munity Food Bank working in their
Speaker’s Bureau as well as other
things. He is co-chair for the Detroit Councilman
Public Television Community Advi- Alfred Brock
sory Panel where he meets with jour-
nalists, professionals, government
officials and many Michiganders. He combination of my appreciation of Newly elected councilman Alfred Brock is sworn in by his wife Bernadette. Photo by
also volunteers occasionally with our shared American ideals, repre- Natalie Rhaesa
DPTV for the Fall and Holiday Festi- sentative government and personal sion, help and knowledge are better by carrying out my duties to the best
val. He’s a Board Member of the responsibility. I like to know what is than inhumanity, violence and ag- of my abilities for the betterment of
Northwest Wayne Chapter of FAN going on in the community and gression. I know that Wayne is a everyone who is fortunate to live with
(Families Against Narcotics) working share with fellow citizens as well as great community, and I want to do all us.”
hard to eliminate the stigma associ- help them when I can. There are lots I can for it.” Councilman Tom Porter, who was
ated with drug abuse and addiction. of problems all around us but there “As a City Council member,” said re-elected to serve a second term, re-
What inspired Alfred to run for are even more opportunities for im- Alfred, “I hope to achieve the admira- ceived a unanimous vote from coun-
City Council? “I have to say it is a provement. I believe that compas- tion and respect of my fellow citizens cil to continue as Mayor Pro Tem.
The Wayne Dispatch · December 2020 · 11