Page 13 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 13
$1.7 million investment
coming to Wayne
By Carolyn Marnon trolled. The storage of animals
Vacant land on Cogswell in will be entirely indoors; no ani-
Wayne will soon be vacant no mals will ever be stored outside.
more! City Council approved the All waste materials will be con-
proposed rezoning of the land tained within the structures in a
after the second reading of the temperature-controlled environ-
proposal. The property was zoned ment in drums which will be
IND-2 Heavy Industrial. The ap- picked up for disposal daily.
proved conditional rezoning to There will be a four-yard dump-
IND-2 allows for the ster used for straw and manure
butchering/slaughtering of ani- which will also be stored indoors
mals and for retail sales. in a temperature-controlled envi-
Michigan Meats will be making ronment and picked up as
a $1.7 million investment in needed.
Wayne. Plans call for the construc- The facility will adhere to all
tion of three buildings on the site City noise and odor ordinances.
(8000 sq. ft., 3200 sq. ft, and The loudest noise is said to be the
3000 sq. ft.) Michigan Meats will compressors that run the cooling
be a USDA approved and moni- systems.
tored facility to make sure it stays A retail store will operate at
food-grade clean. the site. No information as to
There will be a small custom when Michigan Meats will start
butcher shop. All operations will operating. The 5.63 acre piece of
be completely conducted indoors land will still have space for fu-
and will be temperature-con- ture development.
Star, Continued from page 4 “Music is like a
“Music is like a hobby to me. The hobby to me.
t-shirts are a hobby to me. I was The t-shirts are a hobby
born with the gift of creativity.” She
enjoys doing art, designing, and to me. I was born with
working on collage. “I do my little
collages.” the gift of creativity.”
I do some things that are pretty
nice. God gives me the knowledge to
do collages. God gives everybody a Trudy Ellis
gift to do something. He gave me a
gift of music and the gift of creativity
and drawing, doing collages. But I moving. If you can’t get along with
thank God for this one gift he gave someone, go on to the next person.
me: the gift of caring for others, the They might be the blessing for you.”
gift of sharing with others. From About reaching out for your goals
when I was a little girl, I had the and dreams, Ms. Trudy said “If you
knowledge to share. It’s good to give try, it’s better than not trying. Noth-
to people. I don’t think I have any ing beats a failure but to try. If you at
selfishness in me when it comes to least try, attempt to do something.
caring and giving. It’s like taking three steps and hav-
She says she gives money to peo- ing God lead you the rest of the way.”
ple at the gas station who say they She continued, “Some people wait
want food. “You never know what for God to do it all. They want it to
someone’s circumstances are.” After all go their way. I’m a firm believer
she gives them the money, she said that when I ask God for something,
“if they don’t spend it on food, it’s be- I don’t wait until I am all bent out of
tween them and God.” It’s out of her shape. I go to God on a daily basis. I
hands. thank him every day for the little
In dealing with people, she said, things. God will prepare you for the
“If I can’t get along with them, I keep greater things in life in the future.”
The Wayne Dispatch · December 2020 · 13