Page 12 - The Wayne Dispatch
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Porter, Continued from page 3                                                                           scans and the nodules in both lungs
                                                                                                                  had reduced in size considerably. He
          name from the ballot. He wasn’t di-                                                                     said at that time, “The whole thing
          agnosed until over a month later at                                                                     for me is to get through the chemo,
          which  time,  he  couldn’t  take  his                                                                   get 100% remission and then get the
          name off the ballot.                                                                                    stent and get the heart fixed and then
             Tom has been open about his can-                                                                     monitor the cancer to make sure it
          cer  on  city  council.  At  one  of  the                                                               doesn’t come back.”
          council meetings, a number of City                                                                         And  then  last  month,  Tom  got
          Council  members  donned  Team                                                                          sick  after  completing  three  chemo
          Porter t-shirts. The t-shirts were de-                                                                  treatments. He was diagnosed with a
          signed by Tom’s  granddaughter-in-                                                                      rare form of pneumonia and a viral
          law.  She  went  to  the  local  t-shirt                                                                infection.  He  spent  16  days  in  the
          shop near her home in Pennsylvania                                                                      hospital.
          and had shirts with Team Porter and                                                                        On  November  22,  Tom  said  it
          a  ribbon  imprinted  made  for  the                                                                    was like somebody had flipped the
          family.  Extended  family  members                                                                      switch. The fever, aches and pains,
          soon wanted the shirts. Friends and                                                                     had all fallen away. He started gain-
          neighbors bought them too. “It just                                                                     ing  weight  back.  Everyone  was
          went crazy,” Tom says with amaze-                                                                       happy with the progress he is now
          ment.                                                                                                   making.
             Talking to people face-to-face is                                                                       Tom is waiting on insurance ap-
          important to Tom. He wants to see                                                                       proval for another PET scan which
          people and hear their viewpoints.                                                                       he  hopes  to  have  December  16.  If
             His  primary  chemo  treatments                                                                      cancer is found, he will get a reduced
          lasted about four hours and the sec-                              Mayor Pro-Tem Porter with his wife Bonnie.  amount of chemo three more times.
          ondary treatments a week later are  that  bother  him,  but  “I’m  working  been looking forward to December  If it shows no trace of cancer, he will
          less.                              my way through them.”              17  when  his  6th  and  final  chemo  have no more chemo treatments. He
             Chemo doesn’t bother him. He re-   Tom and Bonnie stay home most   treatment would be done. His oncol-  will just be monitored to make sure
          ports no nausea. He has had some   of  the  time.  “Any  cold  or  infection  ogist had been impressed that noth-  the cancer doesn’t reappear.
          fever  issues  and  other  side  effects  could kill me quite easily.” He had  ing was showing up on Tom’s liver  Tom is staying positive.

          12 · December 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch
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