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City hires full time Chief

             After  retiring  from  the  City  of                                 J o s e p h                     he was affectionately known as “Smi-
          Westland as the Fire Chief, the hiring                                Henry  Fisher                     ley”. He was later recognized by the
          of Michael Stradtner to become ex-                                    age 94 of Cold-                   Wayne Recreation Advisory Board as
          clusively Wayne’s Fire Chief was ap-                                  water,  Michi-                    the recipient of the James J. Poplin
          proved  by  Wayne  City  Council  on                                  gan,  formerly                    Distinguished Service Award. After
          February 2. The interlocal agreement                                  of    Wayne,                      retirement, Joe and his wife lived be-
          between  Wayne  and  Westland  was                                    M i c h i g a n                   tween their lake home in Coldwater
          terminated. Wayne had shared Chief                                    passedaway                        and their winter home in Ellenton,
          Stradtner with Westland for the last                                  peacefully  on                    Florida. Over the years Joe acquired
          four years.                                                           Tuesday,  Jan-                    quite an extraordinary collection of
             Chief  Stradtner  has  spent  26                                   uary 19, 2021,                    autographed photos and letters from
          years in the fire service, all of them                                at  Masonville                    prominent  athletes.  Some  of  his
          in Westland. He will not receive any                                  Place in Cold-  Joseph Henry Fisher  most  prized  possessions  included
          pension, healthcare or retiree health-                                water. He was                     letters from Ty Cobb and a personal-
          care benefits in the Wayne position.                                  born in Detroit, Michigan on July 24,  ized  signed  photo  from  the  Four
             “It’s  very  humbling  that  you’ve                                1926. Joseph attended school in De-  Horsemen of Notre Dame. A spirited
          supported me tonight,” Chief Stradt-                                  troit and as a Native American spent  character with a true gift of conversa-
          ner addressed the Wayne council. “I                                   his summers on Walpole Island In-  tion, he loved to entertain with his
          truly appreciate it. I still have a lot     Fire Chief, Michael Stradtner  dian Reservation in Ontario, Canada.  stories  and  jokes.  His  hobbies  in-
          left in me to give. I’m still very pas-                               He  began  his  high  school  years  at  cluded long road trips, shuffleboard,
          sionate  about  the  fire  service  and  which we serve, and I hope to serve  Cass Tech in Detroit and then trans-  and he was a pro at crossword and
          passionate about the communities in  you the best that I can.”        ferred  to  Romulus  High  School  sudoku puzzles. Joe was preceded
                                                                                where he excelled as an athlete and  in death by his parents and his high
          Wayne Police Department Awards                                        graduated in 1944. He was a Navy  school  sweetheart  and  wife  of  70
                                                                                veteran having served in both World  years Doris Keller Fisher. He is sur-
             The  Wayne  Police  Department  safely  arresting  dangerous  and  War II and the Korean War in the ca-  vived  by  three  children,  Daniel
          has an Awards Committee made up    armed suspects without incident, re-  pacity of a Signalman. Joe was an ac-  Fisher  (Lou  Ann  Withington)  of
          of the Chief of Police and a selection  covering stolen property, excellent in-  tive member and past commander of  Hanover, Michigan, James (Cheryl)
          of patrol and command officers. The  vestigative work leading to the arrest  Amvets Post 171 where he formed  Fisher of Coldwater, Michigan, and
          Awards Committee meets each year   of  a  sexual  assault  suspect,  and  and  commanded  the  Post’s  Color  Patti  (Rick)  Miller  of  Dayton,  Ten-
          to review incidents from throughout  much more.                       Guard. Joe was also instrumental in  nessee, eight grandchildren, Michele
          the  previous  year  and  make  selec-  Meritorious Service (one of the  the veterans committee that erected  Fisher, Melissa Fisher, Leah Fisher,
          tions about awards for department  Wayne Police Department’s highest  the first Veterans Memorial in Wayne,  Dena  Crow,  Byron  Halferty,  Nicole
          employees. The Awards Committee    honors):  Lt.  Springer,  Sgt.  Amore,  Michigan. Joe worked for Michigan  (Rob)  Puckett,  Laura  (Ken)  Oliver,
          met  in  early  2020  and  made  the  and Officer Colwell             Bell where he held various positions  and Valerie (Josh) Floyd, ten great-
          below selections regarding 2019 in-   Lifesaving  Award  –  Officer   until his retirement in 1984. In the  grandchildren, one great-great grand-
          cidents. The Committee was hoping  Whalen                             early sixties Joe worked part time  child, and many beloved nieces and
          to have a larger, in person award cer-  Commendation  –  Lt.  Springer,  for the City of Wayne Recreation De-  nephews.
          emony in 2020, but that wasn’t in  Sgt. Hughes, Sgt. Amore, Sgt. Perez,  partment.  During  this  time,  he  Following his wishes, cremation
          the  cards.  So,  Chief  Strong  recog-  Sgt. Boruta, Officer Jagotka, Officer  served as a referee for youth hockey  will take place and services will be
          nized  all  the  award  recipients  on  Talmadge,  Officer  Bolton,  Officer  games, supervised and participated  announced at a later time.
          their  individual  shifts  in  January  Colwell,  Officer  Whalen,  Officer  in after school and weekend roller  Burial with Military Honors will
          2021.                              Williams                           skating, and by far his favorite, su-  be at Fort Custer National Cemetery,
             The awards were for a variety of   Chief’s Award – Sgt. Perez, Sgt.  pervised the Friday Night Rec activi-  Augusta, Michigan.
          incidents, including safely de-escalat-  Boruta, Officer Arndt, Officer Bolton,  ties  held  at  the  Attwood  pool  Condolences may be sent online
          ing  mental  health  emergencies,  Officer Colwell, Officer Priebe    building; to the teenager attendees  to

          10 · February 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch
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