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Plante Moran explains budgeting for a city

          By Carolyn Marnon                  bility  of  creating  the  budget  docu-  Life changes, he said, and we have to  make.
             When  you  budget  for  yourself  ment is on the top-ranking munici-  roll with it.                     Finance  Director  Sample  went
          and/or your family, you keep track of  pality person, in Wayne that would  Public  Act  2  gives  detailed  in-  over a budget document with coun-
          what money comes in, what money    be City Manager Lisa Nocerini.  Ac-  structions on what must be included  cilmembers while detailing key infor-
          goes out, and you generally have a  cording to Camiller, Nocerini has del-  in the budget. This includes the last  mation  on  how  to  read  a  budget
          plan for the year.                 egated the task to Plante Moran and  audited financial amounts, the cur-  report.
             When a municipality budgets, the  the City’s Finance Director, Kathryn  rent version of the amended budget,  City  Manager  Nocerini  stressed
          budget is a prediction of what that  Sample.                          and current year to date activity. In  that the City still needs to find a vi-
          local government is going to do, and  The second step involves adopt-  essence, you are looking at the last  able revenue source. She encourages
          it requires approval by the city coun-  ing the budget. The general public  completed  fiscal  year  and  the  cur-  city councilmembers to continue to
          cil to authorize the spending.     can  provide  input  on  the  draft  rent fiscal year while looking ahead  brainstorm ideas.
             This  is  how  Brian  Camiller  of  budget before the City Council votes  to the next fiscal year.      Ideas generated during the spe-
          Plante  Moran  explained  how  local  to approve it.                    There must be a reconciliation of  cial session included working with
          government  budgeting  compares       The third, and final, step is exe-  fund balance.  “You have to pass a  neighboring  communities  to  estab-
          with  personal  budgeting  when  he  cuting  and  monitoring  the  budget.  budget, by law, that results in posi-  lish a fire or police authority, annex-
          spoke with the Wayne City Council  During the entire fiscal year, execu-  tive fund balance come the end of the  ing property from an adjoining city
          during the January 26 special study  tion involves the running of the City.  budget year,” Camiller informed the  that  the  neighboring  city  has  a
          session budget meeting via Zoom.   Employees show up at work; that’s  council.   “A balanced budget, accord-  harder  time  patrolling,  paying  off
             The responsibility of putting to-  an expense. Services are purchased;  ing  to  Public  Act  2,  is  the  existing  bonds, reorganizing city government,
          gether a budget should include all  that’s an expense. The City spending  fund balance at the beginning of the  having 501c3s (like religious institu-
          stakeholders  of  the  municipality.  has to be monitored for what is hap-  year  plus  revenue  is  equal  to  or  tions in the city) contribute a stipend
          This includes department heads, the  pening and modifying the budget as  greater than expenses. So it’s okay to  for  the  city  services  they  receive,
          finance department, the city council  needed.                         spend fund balance, sometimes. You  long-term investments like solar en-
          and the general public. The budget is  When it looks like something is  can’t  do  it  every  year.”  A  balanced  ergy, and moving the court to the po-
          an authorization for spending.     going  to  go  over  budget,  amend-  budget means you are going to end  lice department.
             There  are  three  steps  in  the  ments must be brought to the coun-  the year with a fund balance. It does  The  City  is  at  the  point  where
          budget  process.  The  first  step  in-  cil for approval.  Camiller said these  not  mean  revenues  must  equal  ex-  nickel  and  dime  revenue  sources
          volves preparation. This is where the  amendments need to be brought to  penses.                        aren’t sufficient.
          department heads do their data gath-  council  before  spending  goes  over  Camiller concluded his presenta-  Any citizen can go to the City of
          ering and submit their findings so  budget,  not  after.  The  budget  is  a  tion  letting  council  know  that  the  Wayne’s website and view the latest
          that an initial draft of a budget docu-  fluid document that ebbs and flows  more  financial  information  they  amended budget under the Financial
          ment can be prepared. The responsi-  up  until  the  end  of  the  fiscal  year.  have, the better decisions they will  Dashboard.

                                                                                Lieutenant graduates from Staff and Command
                                             “Get into a good Bible-based church
          LOVE, Continued from page 7
                                             together  and  stay  in  church  and  Lt.  Finley                    Carter addressed his classmates at
             What are their plans for the fu-  bring  your  kids  up  together  in  Carter  of  the               graduation,  encouraging  them  to
          ture?  “Every  day  I  tell  Paul  some-  church.  Keep each other laughing all  Wayne  Police          tackle some of the tough issues fac-
          thing else I want to do. He looks at  the  time  and  entertain  each  other.  Department               ing policing today. When asked for
          me and says ‘You dream big, don’t  Just be happy,” said Ginger. She said  g r a d u a t e d             comment, Chief Strong said, “I am
          you?’”                             Paul  was  proud  of  her  when  she  from the 15th                  very  proud  of  Lt.  Carter’s  accom-
             The  Cooks  have  owned  two    went  to  nursing  school.  “Just  be  Michigan State                plishments, but I am also not sur-
          restaurants  in  the  past,  so  Ginger  proud of each other all the time.”  U n i v e r s i t y        prised.  Lt.  Carter  is  an  incredible
          said she would like to have a little  Before ending the interview, Gin-  School of Staff                leader. He is well respected by me,
          restaurant in Wayne in the future.  ger remembered a special moment   and     Com-                      his peers, his subordinates, and the
             They  certainly  stay  busy.  Every  from their 60th anniversary.  “The  mand on Jan-                community.  The  Wayne  Police  De-
          year they go to Eastern States Expo-  kids wanted to take us out to dinner,  uary  15.  The             partment  is  lucky  to  have  him  as
          sition in Massachusetts. They visit  but as you know places were closed  MSU School of                  part of our team. I would like to con-
          family while they are there. Paul vol-  except for carry out. They knew Olive  Staff and Com-  Lt. Finley Carter  gratulate him on the hard work and
          unteers at Willow Run Airport and  Garden is one of my favorites, so all  mand   is   a                 leadership he has shown today and
          the  Yankee  Air  Museum  where  he  eight of us loaded into our van and  prestigious ten-week school for po-  throughout his career.”
          paints and works on the planes.    headed to Olive Garden, called for a  lice executives that focuses on lead-  Lt. Carter joined the Wayne Police
             Their  most  engaging  activity  carry out and sure enough, we had  ership, problem-based learning, and  Department in 2002. Lt. Carter was
          might just be their Parking Lot Pic-  another one of our ‘parking lot pic-  building partnerships with the com-  the police department’s first African
          nics. Ginger said they have these pic-  nics.’ It was fun eight people eating  munity to respond to crime. Being  American officer. He has served vari-
          nics 2-3 times a week. They’ll go to a  salad and spaghetti in a van.”     accepted into the program and suc-  ous roles in the department and is
          drive-thru then pull into a parking   The  grandparents  of  13  grand-  cessfully  completing  the  rigorous  currently  in  charge  of  the  depart-
          spot to eat their food. Voila! A Park-  children and 17 great-grandchildren  course work is a significant accom-  ment’s Investigations Bureau. His ad-
          ing Lot Picnic! She did say, however,  still have a lot of living to do after 60  plishment on its own. In addition to  ditional  duties  include  being  the
          that she is looking forward to when  years together. Who knows what will  successfully completing the program,  training  coordinator,  head  of  the
          they can resume dining at the Rams  come next for Paul and Ginger.  One  Lt. Carter was voted by his peers to  firearms training program, FOIA co-
          Horn, their Monday night date spot.  thing’s for sure, they will be laughing  be president of the class. To put it  ordinator, and Public Information Of-
             Their  advice  to  young  couples?  their way along together.      bluntly,  this  is  a  huge  honor.  Lt.  ficer.
                                                                                                                The Wayne Dispatch · February 2021 · 9
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