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How to reduce your lead exposure at home

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         water)
             When  someone  hears  there  is                                                                         • Check whether your home has
          lead in their drinking water, panic                                                                     a lead service line.
          tends  to  set  in.  General  questions
          usually are: how much lead? Am I at                                                                     Additional information/help:
          risk for health problems? What can                                                                         The City of Wayne DPW plans to
          I do to protect myself?                                                                                 send a public education document
             The City of Wayne Department of                                                                      about lead in drinking water. They
          Public Works (DPW) conducts peri-                                                                       also  will  be  collecting  sixty  sites
          odic testing of tap water in homes for                                                                  every six months and reviewing the
          lead and copper. They recently col-                                                                     results to determine if the level’s are
          lected  tap  water  samples  from  30                                                                   below the action level.
          homes in Wayne. On October 12th,                                                                           If you want to get your blood lead
          The City of Wayne released a public                                                                     level  tested,  you  may  go  through
          advisory  regarding  the  City  of                                                                      your healthcare provider or make an
          Wayne’s water sampling of lead and                                                                      appointment with the Wayne County
          copper.                                                                                                 Health  Department’s  Clinic  at
          What to know:                                                                                              If you’re looking for more infor-
             Under Michigan’s Safe Drinking                                                                       mation     about    lead,    visit
          Water Act, 90% of samples collected                                                            or
          must fall below 15 parts per billion                                                                    leadpublicadvisory             or
          (ppb). Five out of the 30 sites were                                                          
          found to have levels of 16 ppb, which                                                                      If you would like free water test-
          is over the Action Level. This level is  eral  hours,  run  the  water  before  • Do not use hot water for drink-  ing for lead, call the MDHHS Drink-
          not a health-based standard, so ad-  using it for drinking or cooking. This  ing, preparing food, or cooking, or  ing Water Hotline at (844)934-1315.
          ditional action must take place and  flushes lead-containing water from  preparing baby formula.           If you have questions regarding
          the City of Wayne DPW increased in-  the pipes. Additional flushing may  • Do not boil your water. (Boiling  lead and copper, contact the City of
          vestigative sampling of water quality.  be  required  for  homes  that  have  will not reduce the amount of lead in  Wayne DPW at (734)721-8600.
             Water  sampling  in  the  City  of  been vacant or have a longer service
          Wayne measured levels of copper at  line.
          0.2 parts per million (ppm) for both
          2021  and  2020  and  0.1  ppm  for  How to reduce exposure:
          2019. Lead levels were measured at    In accordance with the Michigan
          12 ppb in 2020 and 14 ppb in 2019.  Safe Drinking Water Act, the follow-
             The  goal  for  lead  in  drinking  ing are examples of methods the City
          water is 0 ppb considering there is  of Wayne DPW listed for you to re-
          no  safe  level  of  lead  in  the  blood.  duce your exposure to lead in drink-
          Lead can cause serious health prob-  ing water.
          lems if too much enters your body     •  Run  your  water  to  flush  out
          from drinking water.               lead-containing water.
             However,  human  skin  does  not   • If you do not have a lead service
          easily  absorb  lead  from  water  so  line, run the water for 30 seconds to
          even if you have lead in your drink-  two minutes, or until it becomes cold
          ing water, you can use water that has  or reaches a steady temperature.
          not  been  filtered  for  showering,  •  If  you  do  have  a  lead  service
          cleaning, or washing hands, dishes,  line, run the water for at least five
          or clothes.                        minutes to flush
             The City of Wayne DPW explained    water from your home or build-
          that lead can enter drinking water  ing’s plumbing and the lead service
          when in contact with pipes, solder,  line.
          home/building interior plumbing, fit-  • Clean your faucet aerator to re-
          tings and fixtures that contain lead.  move trapped debris.
          Homes with lead service lines have    •  Consider  using  a  filter  to  re-
          an increased risk of having high lead  duce lead in drinking water. (Note:
          levels in drinking water. Of the ap-  The  Department  of  Health  and
          proximate  5,950  customers  in  the  Human  Services  (DHHS)  recom-
          city, 6.75% (about 400 customers)  mends  that  any  household  with  a
          have lead service lines.           child or pregnant woman use cold
             The more time water has been sit-  water and a certified lead filter to re-
          ting in your home’s pipes, the more  move lead from their drinking water,
          lead  it  may  contain.  Therefore,  if  especially when preparing baby for-
          your water has not been used for sev-  mula.)
          8 · November 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch
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