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Make your hotel room feel like home without spending a ton

             The season of travel is once again                                 Turn your ice bucket into a cooler  But do you want to stick your part-
          upon us.                                                                Packing–and  then  schlepping–  ner’s and kids’ toothbrushes inside
             Whether  your  next  trip  will  be                                everything we need while on a trip is  the  same  glass?  Probably  not.  So,
          prompted by the ritual of breaking                                    difficult. Something has got to be left  here’s  how  to  create  a  holder  for
          bread at Aunt Martha’s on Thanks-                                     behind.  Sure,  in  a  perfect  world,  each person: Take a disposable cup,
          giving Day, or simply wanting to es-                                  we’d arrive at our hotel room with a  turn it upside down, poke a tiny hole
          cape the cold and snow that is part                                   ready-made   cooler.   In   reality,  in the cup’s bottom, and place your
          and parcel with winter in Michigan,                                   though? Nah. Here’s where the ice  toothbrush inside the hole.
          many of us will soon have our sights                                  bucket comes in handy. In a pinch, it  Estimated savings: $5
          set on going somewhere.            most  germ-ridden  place  in  a  hotel  can chill a bottled water (or two) and
             And  that  means  sleeping  away  room is the main light switch. I’m no  the  kids’  juice  boxes  when  filled  A packing aid your
          from home.                         expert, but I’d venture to say the tel-  halfway with ice.           suitcase will appreciate
             Personally,  I’m  a  fan  of  hotel  evision remote can’t be far behind.  Estimated savings: $30        We’ve all been there: It’s the end
          stays. There’s just something about  Simply place a clear plastic bag–even                              of our trip, we’re dog tired, and the
          ordering room service and having a  one from the produce section at the  Voila!  And  now  you  have  smart-  last thing we want to do is pack, so
          meal  delivered  in  a  stainless-steel  grocery store will do–over your re-  phone speakers!           we  haphazardly  throw  our  belong-
          cloche,  having  fresh  linens  at  the  mote, secure it with a twist-tie, and  I tried this one. And it straight-up  ings into our suitcase–even our dirty
          ready (without having to wash them  cut off the remnants, if you prefer.   blew my mind. Grab an empty mug,  shoes. Well, enter those trusty dis-
          yourself),  and  going  down  to  the  Estimated savings: Priceless   place your phone inside it, and pre-  posable shower caps again. Simply
          front desk and having virtually any                                   pare  to  hear  an  amplified  sound.  place your shoes inside them (soles
          inquiry  addressed  by  a  cheerful  Create additional table space    Now, is it akin to a $100 speaker?  facing down) before placing them in-
          concierge (those folks are the origi-  The one thing that nearly all hotel  No. But there’s a definite improve-  side your suitcase.
          nal Siri, I tell you).             rooms lack is sufficient table/coun-  ment…for free!                    Estimated  savings:  $30  (Al-
             But like anything else, there is a  tertop space. Find a stretch of wall  Estimated savings: $20-$60  though I argue that a clean inner
          downside to hotel living—no matter  space large enough to accommodate                                   suitcase is indeed priceless).
          how  temporary:  The  feasts  under  your  unfolded  ironing  board…and  From cup to toothbrush holder     Courtney Conover is wife, mom,
          those stainless-steel cloches cost an  boom! Now your ironing board is a  Sure, many hotels provide a glass  yoga instructor, and Chicken Soup
          arm  and  a  leg;  a  gazillion  people  makeshift  kitchen  island/family  to  serve  as  a  toothbrush  holder,  for  the  Soul  contributor  who  has
          have stayed in the room prior to us,  room coffee table.              which is great for your toothbrush.  called Wayne home since 1995.
          and it’s nearly impossible for even   Estimated savings:
          the  most  dutiful  housekeeper  to   Approximately $25-$75
          squash all the germs; and sleeping in
          a foreign bed can feel, well, foreign.  Leftover food
                                             storage solution
             Therefore, the following tips may  Here’s  a  brilliant  use  for  those
          be somewhat of a game changer. Or,  disposable shower caps in the bath-
          at the very least they can save us a  room. These caps’ elasticized edges
          few  coins  while  making  our  stay  sure do come in handy when we’re in
          more pleasant.                     need of Tupperware: Just cover your
                                             food container with the cap before
          Reinvent your remote control       placing the food in the mini-fridge.
             According  to  USA  Today,  the    Estimated savings: $10

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