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Events honoring our veterans in Wayne this month
By Sarah Shurge and celebrate our vets every year.
As we welcome the month of No- Since it was very well received and
vember, many people’s first thought very popular, we figured we would
goes to Thanksgiving. However, an- make it an annual thing,” said
other holiday happens earlier in the Wolak.
month that some would consider The display will be put up in the
much more important - Veterans library lobby the first week of No-
Day. vember, and pictures will continue
Please join the City of Wayne and to be added throughout the month
the Wayne Veterans’ Memorial Com- as they come in.
mittee for the 2022 Veterans’ Day “Thank you, Mr. Valdez for the
Ceremony on Friday, November 11th. suggestion and thank you, veterans
The ceremony will take place at for your service and for sharing
10AM at the memorial next to the your photos and memories with us,”
City Hall at 3355 South Wayne Rd. said Wolak. “We are always open to
This year’s keynote speaker is The Wayne Veterans’ Day Ceremony on Friday, November 11th, will feature keynote suggestions from the community
Tom Porter who is currently serving speaker Mayor Pro Tem Tom Porter a United States Navy veteran. about events and displays the li-
as the Mayor Pro Tem of the Wayne uing it again this year. can submit a picture for the display. brary can do. Please continue to let
City Council and who is also a “This is an opportunity to thank You can email a picture to us know. That's how we continue to
United States Navy veteran. the veterans for the service they have with your offer things that benefit the commu-
Veterans Day is a day set aside to provided and shine visibility on peo- name and branch of service. Or, you nity.”
celebrate and honor all military vet- ple in our local area that we may not can bring a photo into the library The library is open Monday
erans who have served. That in- realize have served this country,” and they will make a copy. The li- through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 8
cludes those who have died in the said Jody Wolak, Wayne Public Li- brary has saved all the photos from p.m. and Friday and Saturday from
service and the ones still with us. brary director. last year, but would love to add more 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. It’s closed on Sun-
Local veteran Daniel Valdez and It’s very easy to get involved. Any and make the display bigger this day. For more information about the
the Wayne Public Library came up veterans in the area, family of veter- year. Wayne Public Library, visit
with a way last year to honor our vet- ans in the area, or anyone with a con- “People really enjoyed it last year or email help@wa-
erans for November and are contin- nection to Wayne that is a veteran, and we want to continue to honor or call (734)721-7832.
18 · November 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch