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Police therapy dog Zeke dies from cancer

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         passed  on  Monday,”  said  Chief
             The  youngest  member  of  the                                                                       Strong.
          Wayne Police Department has passed                                                                         Not only Chief Strong, but the en-
          away. Zeke, the Wayne Police Depart-                                                                    tire department has felt the loss of
          ment's  therapy  dog,  died  Monday,                                                                    Zeke.
          October 3rd, after a short battle with                                                                     “I always was aware of the impact
          cancer.                                                                                                 Zeke had on employees, but after he
             “It is just absolutely heartbreak-                                                                   passed, I had employees reach out to
          ing,” said Wayne Police Chief Ryan                                                                      say the impact he had on them,” said
          Strong. “I’ve lost other dogs, but it’s                                                                 Chief  Strong.  “Several  people  said
          just nothing like this. Zeke was a re-                                                                  Zeke was their favorite coworker.”
          ally good dog. He understood his job                                                                       At the City of Wayne’s last council
          and took it seriously. The impact he                                                                    meeting on Tuesday, October 18th,
          had on the community.”                                                                                  Wayne Mayor John Rhaesa honored
             Zeke joined the Wayne Police De-                                                                     Zeke with a photo and plaque. The
          partment in 2019 to provide comfort                                                                     photo will be hung in the police de-
          to police officers, staff, crime victims,                                                               partment.
          and more.                                                                                                  “Zeke  showed  no  judgment,  no
             According to Alliance of Therapy                                                                     stigma, and there was nothing there
          Dogs (ATD), therapy dogs can reduce                                                                     except a pure connection with every-
          stress and anxiety, provide compan-                                                                     one  who  crossed  paths  with  him,”
          ionship, and help people get through                                                                    said Lisa Nocerini, Wayne City Man-
          emotionally trying times.                                                                               ager. “Zeke brought so much to the
             “Police work is very stressful. We                                                                   Police Department and the entire city.
          see people on the worst day of their                                                                    He  will  be  fondly  remembered.  I
          lives,” said Chief Strong. “It’s hard to                                                                miss him terribly.”
          have  a  frown  on  your  face  when                                                                       Local 4 and Hometown Life wrote
          there's  a  good-looking  Golden  Re-                                                                   a piece about Zeke joining the force
          triever walking up to you with a wag-                                                                   in December 2019, and both Fox 2
          ging tail.”                                                                                             and  CBS  wrote  an  article  about
             Therapy dogs must undergo obe-                                                                       Zeke’s passing in October 2022.
          dience testing, veterinarian certifica-                                                                    “Seeing him honored in the com-
          tion, and observation from trained                                                                      munity and the news, it was comfort-
          testers  in  various  settings,  the  de-                                                               ing and humbling that he made this
          partment said.                                                                                          wide  ranging  impact,”  said  Chief
             ATD  provides  support  to  those                                                                    Strong. “I received nothing but sup-
          who use dogs to visit nursing homes,                                                                    port from the city for the therapy dog
          hospitals,  schools  and  other  facili-                                                                program.”
          ties where a dog could provide com-  Wayne Police Chief Ryan Strong lost his dog Zeke to cancer last month.   The  therapy  dog  program  does
          fort to others.                    plies, veterinarian checks, and mem-  Chief Strong.                  not end with Zeke. Zeke has already
             Zeke received 24 weeks of obedi-  bership to the ATD was covered by  Zeke was only 6 years old when  inspired  therapy  dog  programs  at
          ence training before being given an  Chief Strong. Zeke lived with Chief  it  was  discovered  that  he  had  He-  multiple other police departments.
          obedience test. After that, he under-  Strong, so there was no cost to the  mangiosarcoma.  This  is  an  ex-  “Six or eight other departments
          went a series of observations by ATD  city involved in making Zeke a ther-  tremely  aggressive  type  of  cancer  have reached out to me on how to
          while visiting various public places,  apy dog.                       that attacks the body through blood  create the therapy dog program at
          such as a hospital and a psychiatric  “Zeke took his job very seriously.  vessels.                      their department. One department
          facility. He was also observed at the  He'd  make  his  rounds  around  the  “It happened in a matter of one  from another state too,” said Chief
          police department.                 precinct. He worked a 10-hour day  week.  He  hadn’t  been  eating  that  Strong. Zeke will not be the last ther-
             The  cost  for  training,  dog  sup-  three  days  before  he  died,”  said  week, worked all day on Friday and  apy dog at Wayne Police Department.
                                                                                                                     “It's  a  very  important  program.
                                                                                                                  He brought joy to employees and the
                                                                                                                  community. Everyone in the commu-
                                                                                                                  nity  loved  seeing  him,”  said  Chief
                                                                                                                  Strong.  “He  made  it  easier  for  me
                                                                                                                  and  the  police  department  to  get
                                                                                                                  through the past couple years.”
                                                                                                                     If anyone wishes to honor Zeke’s
                                                                                                                  memory, please consider donating to
                                                                                                                  First Step. Their Ark programs allow
                                                                                                                  survivors of domestic and sexual as-
                                                                                                                  sult to stay with their pets in a safe
          Mayor Rhaesa on behalf of the council and city administration presented a portrait of Zeke to Police Chief Ryan Strong and his  place.  You  can  donate  by  visiting:
          officers at a city council meeting last month.                                                
                                                                                                              The Wayne Dispatch · November 2022 · 19
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