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Holiday Night at the Historical Museum

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         again, as well as two ice sculptors.
             As the last of the leaves tumble                                                                     The sculptors will have finished ice
          down from the trees and the temper-                                                                     sculpture on display and will do live-
          ature begins to lower, fall begins to                                                                   carvings through the night.
          fade and winter quickly approaches.                                                                        Several food trucks will also be at
          With the arrival of winter means the                                                                    the event and Hillcrest Bible Church
          arrival of the holiday season.                                                                          will  provide  cookies  and  refresh-
             If you and your family are looking                                                                   ments (milk and hot chocolate).
          for a night of good holiday fun, an                                                                        This is the sixth year in a row the
          event  is  coming  up  just  for  you.                                                                  Wayne    Historical   Society   has
          Mark  your  calendars  because                                                                          planned  Holiday  Night.  Hillcrest
          Wayne’s annual Holiday Night at the                                                                     Bible  Church  has  helped  with  the
          museum  will  be  Friday,  December                                                                     event for five of those years and pro-
          2nd, at the Wayne Historical Society                                                                    vides the toys Santa gives to the chil-
          on 1 Towne Square St. The event will  Lots of fun had by all at the Holiday Night at the Museum celebration.   dren.
          start at 6 p.m. and will go until 8:30  take photos with the kids and hand  Marching Band will play, four choirs  “It’s a great night for the city to
          p.m.                               out gifts to every child.          will sing, and there will be a DJ.   come together and be a community,”
             Santa will arrive in the back of a  Aside from the tree lighting, the  “Last year was the best year so far.  said Pastor McDonald.
          fire truck and the Mayor of Wayne  night will be filled with activities for  We added a bunch of new things and  “Each year it’s growing and grow-
          will present him with a key to the  the whole family.                 we’re keeping the best of it for this  ing.  It  doesn't  matter  your  back-
          city. Mrs. Claus will also attend, as  The event will have craft projects,  year,” said Tyler Moll, Wayne Histor-  ground or ethnicity, we just have a
          well as other holiday characters.   along  with  carnival  games  in  the  ical Society curator. “We’re hoping to  good time.”
             “Last year, we had someone from  parking lots. Candy and prizes will  make this the biggest and best year  The event is currently sponsored
          our church dressed up as Buddy the  be available for the kids.        yet.”                             by the City of Wayne Downtown De-
          Elf and he stole the show,” said Seth  This year there will be a holiday  A meeting is being held towards  velopment  Authority  (DDA),  the
          McDonald, pastor at Hillcrest Bible  gift  market  where  handmade  gifts  the beginning of November to finalize  Wayne  Historical  Society,  Hillcrest
          Church.                            can be bought. You can also enjoy a  all of the event details.       Bible Church, Scotties Potties, and
             Santa and Mrs. Claus will be in-  hayride around the block.          The Wayne Historical Society is  the City of Wayne Department of Pub-
          side  the  museum  where  they  will  The  Wayne  Memorial  Zebra     hoping  to  have  circus  performers  lic Works (DPW).

                                                                                                              The Wayne Dispatch · November 2022 · 17
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