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Wayne DDA: The year 2023 in review
By Sarah Shurge “It grew this year and will continue to
Throughout the year, the City grow with more participation from
Wayne Downtown Development Au- groups and organizations.”
thority (DDA) has partnered with Another huge event the DDA was
many businesses and sponsored involved with was Movie Night Under
many events for the City of Wayne. the Stars in Goudy Park. The new
As the year comes to an end, it’s event was so successful last year, the
important to bring the DDA’s involve- DDA added a second movie night
ment into the spotlight and give this year.
them the recognition they truly de- The movie night in June had a
serve. demonstration from Kicks Tae Kwon
The DDA has many purposes, Do and a live dog show performance
some of which are to correct and pre- by K9 Star Productions. The movie
vent deterioration of business dis- night in August was the Back-to-
tricts, promote economic growth and School Party with a backpack give-
revitalization, and to encourage his- away.
toric preservation. The goal is to “It was incredible. Multiple busi-
bring business into the City of Wayne nesses donated backpacks. We gave
and do it in a fun and exciting way away a record number of backpacks
for the public. at the second movie night - double
The DDA Administration and Taste the Smoke opened in Wayne in April this year. the number of backpacks as last
Board of Directors consists of vari- better and new events have been suc- The 17th annual US12 Car year”, said Gouin.
ous business owners that own or op- cessful right out of the gate,” said Cruise added pit stops throughout Something you have to experi-
erate business within the DDA Lori Gouin, DDA Director. “Without Downtown Wayne for the third year ence in Downtown Wayne are the
district. her, we would not have what we in a row. The pit stops included food Concerts at Goudy Park in August.
In 2021, the DDA hired Lisa have.” trucks, activities, and entertainment. The free summer concerts are made
Kubany to serve as the Marketing Kubany plays a huge role in one The DDA served as a partner with possible through a partnership with
and Events Director. of the annual events the City of the businesses to help with the or- the Rotary Club of Wayne.
“From the time she started to now, Wayne always looks forward to: ganization of all the extra activities.
older events have gotten bigger and Cruisin’ US12. “It went really well,” said Gouin. See DDA, page 15
The Wayne Dispatch · December 2023 · 11