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DDA, Continued from page 11 for businesses in November. This
event is where businesses come to-
“We had to overcome major obsta- gether to network and learn about
cles this year but the Rotary pulled programs and incentives available
it off. We received more positive feed- through the DDA. Attendance for the
back this year than any other year event was double the attendance
before. People love the new layout,” from last year.
said Gouin. “We [the DDA] can’t take The DDA continued to host an-
credit for this because it's all on nual events such as Egg-cellent Ad-
them [the Rotary].” venture in March, the annual
The DDA has continued its rela- Mother’s Day Event in May saw
tionship with the Knights of Colum- record attendance, along with
bus Notre Dame Council 3021. The Wednesdays in Wayne Food Truck
Knights have hosted the Open-Air Experience in May and June.
Christmas Market event for the past In April, the DDA added a new
three years and the DDA has proudly event, Restaurant Week. This was a
sponsored this event each year. way to showcase restaurants in the
The “Small Business Saturday” city. Some restaurants even had spe-
event at the Makers Market drew in cial menus available.
over 100 people. The annual Pass- “It went pretty well and exposed
port Program kicked off on Small people to somewhere they may not
Business Saturday in November and have gone before,” said Gouin.
the DDA also hosted the Gold Box The DDA is proud to announce
giveaway in December. that Flowers in the Mitten took over
The DDA also continues to collab- Makers Market in February.
orate with the Wayne Historical Soci- Twenty businesses in 2023 sub-
ety and sponsored the annual mitted zoning applications: Midnight
Holiday Night at the Museum. The Masterworks, Chicken and Fish Mar-
event has grown every year and be- ket, F&R Automotive, Moonlit Mys-
come much more than just a tree tic’s Magic Realm, Chrome Studio,
lighting and seeing Santa. Above and Beyond Urgent Care,
“Despite the rain, which stopped Faris Retail Appliances, M&S Com-
just in time for the parade, there was mercial Windows, Puff Zone of
a great turnout,” said Gouin. “Over Wayne, Big Mikes 2, Broomz, Wayne
700 toys were donated, so every Market LLC, Alberts Home Furnish-
child there received a toy, and Hill- ing ANNEX, Agape Creations, My
crest provided us with a wonderful Place, SD Maintenance, Lady DI’s
fireworks display.” House of Soul Food, RV Land,
The Russo family donated a new Tsolorry Auto Care, and Imperial
Christmas tree in honor and mem- Press.
ory of their late father, Jack Russo. The City of Wayne celebrated
“It’s really awesome that busi- grand openings for Snazzy Treats
nesses that normally don't get in- and Eats, Wayne Chicken and Fish,
volved in community events are now and Moonlit Mystic Magic Realm.
getting involved,” said Gouin. “Busi- The Facade Improvement Grant
nesses are seeing the benefits of was used again in 2023 and six busi-
sponsoring events on a marketing nesses took advantage of the grant
level.” for either a new awning, signage, or
The DDA held a networking event doors.
The Wayne Dispatch · December 2023 · 15